The year is 1958. It has been for a long... long time. Nobody ages, nobody dies. People get sick, very sick, but we always have enough time to find a cure. Despite this, we can't just go willy-nilly with production and developments. Just because we can't die doesn't mean our planet can't. In our research, we found something interesting. We're timelocked, the eggheads call it. Some mystical magical energy field is keeping ups from moving further in time. No more children. No new ones, at least. We don't really celebrate birthdays anymore. There's no point when you can't die. But what this whole thing means is that there some kind of magic out there that's keeping things from moving forward, and we tapped into that magic. Making flames, putting wind in your own sails. All those books with fancy spells and big words turned out to be true. Who knew? Turns out a whole lot was true, and we were just blind to it. After the timelock, people started looking different, the whole world, actually. People with blue skin, fish tales. Monsters and boogeymen out of a kid's storybook. We still have our tubes and lights, but its like a filter got lifted off the world. Either that, or someone's in dreamland and doesn't wanna wake up. People freaked out in the beginning. Every third man you knew wasn't a man anymore. We tried to have wars. Didn't work. All we could do was accept that fact that this is the world we live in now. Some people do the hero thing. You have magic, you can protect, but it's kind of hard to do when people aren't really in danger. It's mostly to save stuff like old photos and nature. despite this, w- [b][i]WE INTERRUPT YOUR SCHEDULED SHOW TO BRING YOU AN IMPORTANT NEWS UPDATE. AFTER DECADES OF ATTEMPTS, A BABY HAS FINALLY BEEN BORN.[/i][/b] What? No... No, babies don't just get born. That's now how this world works anymore. It hasn't for... I don't even know how long. If people can... If we can give life again, then it's only a matter of time before someone gets wise and tries to take one. I need answers, we all do. Those two at the Detective's office, the PI and the dame. If anyone has answers, ideas for answers, has even heard of some sort of answer, it'd be them. If things are going where I think they're going, the world's going to go real south, real fast. We need to figure things out before people start getting the wrong ideas. [hr] Welcome to 195∞! Mysterious forces had twisted and changed the world in impossible ways, and its your job to figure out who did it and how it was done, maybe reverse it if you can. This fantastic RP aims to serve as a mystery, but the goal is to think with a wand, not your brain. In a state of confusion, fear, and panic, the world doesn't know what to do now that time is moving forward again. Many people want answers, but only two have any sort of leads. Bradford and Madaline "miss" Terry. They're a pair of private investigators and problem solvers in San Francisco. They have a lead, but they need someone to chase it while they try to handle things in the city. Your quest for truth will take you up, down, backwards, sideways, and on paths unknown, but the most important question is- Where were you when the first man was killed?