[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BiuJRNR.png[/img] [sub][@A Lowly Wretch] - [color=39b54a][b]The Spire[/b][/color] | [b][color=ed1c24]Arch-Dragons[/color][/b] | [@Duoya] - [b][color=a36209]Hayim[/color][/b] | [@Kalas] - [COLOR=green][b]Azhriel[/b][/color][/sub][/center] [hr] Drakairos and his forces continued to circle around the ominous spire, issuing as much damage to it as possible from a safe distance. Yet even then, some of the more bold units began to stray dangerously close within the spire's radius, with some succumbing to the terrifying metamorphosis. Their new plant-like bodies would fall from the air and slam into the earth below, slowly becoming engulfed as victims of Mother Nature. The three heads would still remain cautious and keep out of range, but even they knew that their efforts were merely futile. Suddenly, they notice a large crimson fruit explode violently as its juices spurted through the chaotic air. Any of the ice dragons who were unfortunate enough to come in contact with the volatile liquid would feel an immense pain ripple through their body as they found themselves melting from the inside out. It was a gruesome way for them to die as they feel their blood evaporating and their organs being cooked or melting away completely. And the aftermath of the initial explosion was even worse, as the seeds that were expelled plunged into the ground and immediately grew to become giant pepper-like structures. The atmosphere here was nothing like Drakairos had ever seen. Yet it was also something they had little hope in winning against. They were on the loosing end of the battle. And partnering up with Ragnagedon's forces was easily a fool's errand. They were burning with passion to fight, yet lacked the wisdom and thought to know when to quit - or so the three heads believed. But perhaps... they could gain at least one satisfaction from it. The three serpents by that time were coiling around one another as they soon formed back into their combined form. [b]"It's no use..."[/b] Rós muttered dissatisfactory, [b]"We have to retreat. Signing an alliance with these foolish dragons was a mistake."[/b] They would then look down to see Thesan himself still attempting to battle the elements. They couldn't see the other arch-dragon, but something about where he stood seemed like a prime opportunity to stuck out some punishment for their foolish errand. The three heads began to grin as they all simultaneously issued a devilish thought in their three little heads. None would need to issue their own matters into the mix as they issued a dive bomb towards the vulnerable arch-dragon. If he still remained unnoticed, the weather god's talons would extend as they issued a powerful kick that could disarm any smaller being that got in the way. The force would also produce a powerful knock-back that should push the arch-dragon into the deadly radius of the spire. If they won't be able to take out the major problem today, then they might as well try and eliminate a smaller one instead. Once the deed was done, they left the arch-dragon to his supposed doom as Drakairos began to fly away from the spire and towards higher ground.