[b]Name (Former):[/b] Sato Kaede [b]Name (Character): [/b]Kallahar [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Appearance: [/b] [img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/kallahar/kallahar_s.jpg[/img] In her armour the character tops 7 feet tall as the cosmetic set provides a character size increase. Under the helmet is a plain, pale face with cold eyes framed by rather stringy hair. [b]Character Level:[/b] 58 [b]Character Class:[/b] Death Knight [b]Personality: [/b] Outside of the game Kaede is a laid back small town police officer, easygoing and friendly. She is a bit of an idealist, seeing the best in everybody. She is, however, easily bored. Inside the world of Emerald Odyssey Kallahar is a ruthless killer with enthusiasm and creativity bordering on the artistic. The contrast with her real world self is what keeps her coming back to the game. When she plays there is a total disconnect between herself and the character. There is no discussion of real life, for Kallahar there is no outside world. The only bleedthrough is Kaede's quick to laugh sense of humor. [b]Abilities:[/b] [indent][b]Lifeleech:[/b] Kallahar's abilites focus around maximizing the amount of life that she can leech from enemies though her attacks. Most of her lifeleech is granted by her sword or other equipment. [b]Hellbound Fervor:[/b] Even in death there is no rest. Kallahar continues to fight after reaching 0 health for a period of time based on her health value before the blow landed. being killed from full health allows her to fight for two minutes.[/indent] [b]Skills: [/b] [indent][b]Intercept:[/b] Kallahar throws herself in front of an attack intended for an ally, losing part of her armors effectiveness against the attack. [b]Retaliating Strike:[/b] After taking damage Kallahars next attack is amplified in relation to the damage taken. [b]Relentless Retribution:[/b] while under 15% health Kallahar becomes immune to debuffs that affect movement or attack speed.[/indent] [b]Backstory: [/b] Kaede always wanted to be a police officer. Unfortunately she ended up in a small village where nothing seems to happen. At the advice from a friend from back home she took up MMO gaming in her free time. Rather than reflect real life in the game, she decided to create a persona that was a total contrast with herself. The Death knight Kallahar was born, a vicious killer that believes in letting the strongest prevail. [b]Other:[/b] Kallahar has a single NPC 'companion', though if he could speak, he would strongly object to the use of that term to describe their relationship. [b]NPC Name:[/b] Michael Riordan [b]NPC Level:[/b] 50 [b]NPC Class:[/b] Paladin [b]Persobnality:[/b] A righteous paragon of Justice, Paladin Riordan is honorbound to seek out and do away with evil in all of its myriad forms. Michael is a strong counterpoint to Kallahar's wilful and bloodthirsty nature. [b]Abilities:[/b] [indent][b]Holy Aura:[/b] weakens and slows undead and unnatural beings that approach the paladin. [b]Blessed Touch:[/b] A simple caress from him can heal wounds and purge ailments.[/indent] [b]Skills:[/b] [indent][b]Divine Smite:[/b] A glorious attack that deals bonus damage to unholy and undead. Anything evil or undead killed by this attack or shortly after burn to ash, leaving no corpse behind. [b]Vigilant Strike:[/b] A swift counterattack in response to taking damage. Ordinarilly it has a four second cooldown, when the paladin is at low health this cooldown is ignored.[/indent] [b]History:[/b] Paladin Michael Riordan is the relentless pursuer of Blood knight Kaallahar. A close as he ever get's to apprehending her, she always manages to escape through taking a hostage, catching him in a trap or beating him in combat. She is his sworn enemy and his main motivating force.