[center] [h1] Shinon [/h1] [/center] Nanami had been sitting at her desk, vigorously clicking away with her mouse as she tapped on her keyboard, positioning her character with skill and precision. She was currently in the middle of a quest that required her to track down a rare creature, she had spent the last few real life hours attempting to find the creature, wanting to claim a trophy of it for herself, finally after several minutes of her character sneaking through the underbrush, her character came into a clearing... where she saw her quarry, a majestic pure white 20 point stag, it's pure white fur shimmering in the light as it drank from a pool of water. Nanami immediately used the Marking ability on the stag before taking careful aim with her next attack... just as she was about to launch an attack... she blinked, and when she opened her eyes, she was in the body of her avatar, Shinon, with bow in hand, aiming directly at the stag. Without even thinking, Shinon shot her arrow, landing just short of the stag, raising it's attention and causing it to immediately flee the area. "Son of a-!" Shinon felt a fit of rage coming on as she had missed her opportunity to snag a perfectly good prize... that was before she had remembered she had cast Marking on the stag for this exact purpose... however... now that she was here, how in the world was she supposed to use that ability? Shinon had come to realize that she had been brought to a new world, one that was similar, if not identical, to the MMORPG she loved to play. It was shocking at first, but she had read light novels and watched anime with similar plot developments, so getting used to it wasn't too hard... however, in this sort of situation, to activate an ability like Marking, she should just have to concentrate, right? With that, Shinon closed her eyes, and opened her senses to her surroundings, going into an almost meditative state. It was then that she sensed something, something guiding her. She decided to follow this feeling, moving at a slow pace to remain in stealth so as to not scare away her prey a second time... it took a good fifteen minutes, but she had finally rediscovered her quarry. Without any wasted time or effort, she brought up her bow, knocked an arrow, and shot it at the white stag, knowing that one arrow probably wouldn't be enough, she knocked a second one, aimed for the head, and fired. Both arrow hit their mark, additional damage being incurred due to the marking ability as well as additional damage from the Whittle Down ability she possessed, with the accumulative damage, the stag fell over, dead. Without any time to waste, Shinon hopped out of her hiding place and took out a knife, beginning to carefully skin the stag for it's beautiful pelt, she managed to get it off without issue due to her skill level for it being so high as well as due to her real life experience in hunting. Once she had the pelt carefully set to the side, she got to work on carving the head off of the body body, managing to get it off without too much of a hassle. She had gotten what she had come for... but now what? What should she do?... Deciding to do the obvious, she decided to return back to town. It took Shinon a bit to figure out how to access her inventory and how to store things, but once she got the hang of it, it was pretty easy! Deciding to use a scroll to teleport to town, she vanished into thin air before reappearing at the entrance of the port town. She fell to her knees as she almost threw up due to the nauseating disorientation she felt from moving instantaneously. "That was awful... going to have to get used to that..."