[center][h1][b]McKenna Fisher[/b][/h1][/center][hr] The debris and the corpses that surrounded them were a rather pitiful sight, and McKenna could only think about the terror that these people had to endure, before ending up in their current state. Looking at the bodies a bit more closely, she was surprised to find most of them with the wounds, made by a Parasite, rather than a Predator. They clearly weren’t clean kills, and they weren’t recent either. McKenna flinched lightly at the sight, although she was somewhat bothered by the smell of a fresh corpse sitting in a car. “Obviously, this one’s fresh”, she moved her rifle, so it would settle upon her back, and that she would reach back to take hold of her pistols. The dark-haired woman was now on guard, having to slowly turn around to see Miller. “...which means that the killer isn’t too far away. For all we know, it could be right on top of us”, she finished, as she looked around, so she can possibly find any trace of the creature. A distant hiss from down the tunnel made her freeze...