[center] [h1] Road to New York [/h1] [/center] San Fransico, One Week ago [i]"Don't worry Dad, I'll be fine! I'll keep in touch on my way to New York, you and Roll be safe! With Wily in prison, there's nothing to worry about!"[/i] That was what Rock had said to Doctor Light and Roll, before departing Light Labs. After of course, dealing with the FBI agents who had come by to discuss what had happened. He'd been on the road for about three hours now, just walking alongside the country highway, at a pace about equal to that of a car moving around sixty miles an hour. In other words, something that would make any human jealous. He wanted to reach New York within a week, but also wanted to see the sights along the way. His plan was to stay over night at various labs along the pre plotted route, people who his creator knew. Once he got to New York, and had a good base of operations set up, he'd be able to beam back and forth without issue. But for now, it was him, the open country road, and some pre uploaded music. At his current pace, he'd be past the mountains by nightfall, as he'd left around ten am. Well, hopefully, assuming he didn't run into anything or anyone along the way, right? Meanwhile, back in San Fransisco...Roll had finally managed to ask Light why New York. It took him a moment, to explain. "It's rather simple Roll, New York has some of the finest urban robotic scientists in the world, at least in the US. Atop that, someone there should be able to help us figure out what's going on with the red moon. I don't like it Roll, it reminds me of an old superstition about monsters...we live in a new day and age, one free of such fear, but I worry that there may be some truth to the legends." Light himself didn't know any supernatural beings, but it made him wonder, now and again, ever since the Red Moon, if there was something else going on. He just hoped that Rock wouldn't run into any trouble along the way. He'd have to begin work on the Rush.exe file at some point, as every young boy needs a dog, to be his companion. And Rock was no different, Light just needed time...and resources. Hopefully contacts in New York would be of aid. And if not...he'd do his best regardless. And on into the day Rock ran, towards an uncertain future... [i]//not my best, but I decided to try and make something.[/i]