[center][IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/zwdws7.png[/IMG] [hr] Lucian grit his teeth as the pain went through him like fire was burning in his veins. He felt himself ready to succumb to his own injury but the black water ensured he wouldn't die. That was the gift and the curse of the goddess, she had no time for the unworthy or the weak. She ensured you suffered because she knew you could handle it. The old raven panted gently for a moment as the mercenary woman approached him and offered his axe to him. He winced and grunted as she explained that her name was Mergoux. [color=darkred]"[b]Lord Lucian Barrett...[/b]"[/color] he said with a grunt as his apprentice said he was getting slow. [color=darkred]"[b]I'm not gonna give you the satisfaction of outliving me[/b]"[/color] he said with a grunt as she helped him up. Lucian was going to be weak for a few moments as he breathed heavily. He nodded in agreement as she recommended they get out of this shit pit. [color=darkred]"[b]Wait, I need to take something with us before we leave. If we're going to stop this from taking over the entire city than I need this[/b]"[/color] he grunted. He motioned for Lua to stop as they were about to pass and grabbed a severed head from the muck. It's eyes were darting about and it's teeth snapped as it tried to scream at them. Lucian smirked and looked into it's eyes as he saw the determination in it's eyes. He slipped the head into a burlap sack and grunted as he looked ahead as the bone woman summoned a spell to show them the way out of the crypt. He grunted as he followed along, eventually standing on his own and moving through the tunnel without the aid of his young apprentice. [color=darkred]"[b]Lua, we have much we need to do. Night fall isn't far and if there ARE more Cursed, they'll be free to attack and the curse will spread. I need to go speak to the lord of Kenfort and show him what he's dealing with. However, we need to find out HOW the hanged man became cursed. He didn't get it from the city or the city would have been over run already. I suggest you go to his home and see what you can find. Anything that answers our questions[/b]"[/color] he said with a grunt as he rubbed his formerly injured shoulder. The injury was now completely nonexistent, not even a scar remained. The bone woman seemed to be leading them out of the sewers and back into the crypt as they were now making their way towards the church above. Fine by him, though they'd likely offend the clergy with the stench of shit and filth. It didn't matter though, there was much more pressing issues and time was certainly not on their side at the moment. [hr] [h3]The Surface...[/h3] [hr] Unlike the chasms below the large man, the graveyard itself was quiet as could be (excluding the rain) as he walked through the tombstones towards the location in question. As he approached the sight in question, he'd likely see the massive hole in the ground that lead into the crypts and now the smell was likely readily apparent. As he approached, he'd likely sense something was....off. An uncomfortable heaviness that some might even describe as almost evil. A darkness in the hole that seemed thicker than smoke. As he approached, he likely heard the whispers in the dark. Whispers that weren't supposed to be there. "[i]Hey. Come down here. It's perfectly fine. Come on. We can use you down here[/i]" the voices whispered. It was less a sound you heard with your ears and one you heard within your mind. The tension was ramping however as a door opened from an entrance to the crypts. From it came 4 people, a woman dressed like a mercenary, a woman with chocolate skin, and 2 others who were wearing dark armor. The man looked grizzled and battle hardened and the group itself looked weary, bloody, and reeked of shit. The man had a burlap sack strapped to his belt that was moving and seemed to be trying to bite, assuming that wasn't simply a trick of the light.[/center]