[center][h3][color=skyblue]KitKat Winters[/color][/h3][/center] [I]The sun is in my eyes.[/I] This is Akimoto's first thought. [I]This,[/I] not the more practical "where am I" or even the hysterical "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BODY". No. "The sun is in my eyes." [I]Well, it is.[/I] And that was that. The time is 7:30 AM. The day is Tuesday. Akimoto is lying flat on the ground, lush green grass brushing against her face, birds chirping in the trees, and [I]the sun is still in her eyes.[/I] This, not the utter wrongness of "the birds chirping in the trees" when Akimoto [I]knows[/I] she lives by herself in an apartment so close to the road, trucks cause a minor earthquake when they pass by it, [I]this[/I] is what triggers her getting up. Later, she will look back and laugh a little--sigh a little, too, because it's a testament to her own laziness, and Akimoto doesn't like being lazy. (That's a lie. Sleep is good.) But, honestly? Akimoto has always taken change rather well. Her favorite game as a kid was Peek-a-Boo. She loves jumpscares, horror movies, and surprise parties. The unknown is an adventure! The fun is in the mystery, and so on. You get the idea. So, Akimoto rolls over. The sun is no longer in her eyes, but now there's another problem: she's hungry. It makes sense; she's still human and all that. Just... in different circumstances. After some time spent lying on the ground and examining her settings, her hunger reaches the point of mild discomfort. Akimoto rolls over again (hm, there's something in the way) and gets the sun her eyes [I]again.[/I] "Guess I really have to get up, huh," she says out loud, and is surprised ([i]pleasantly[/i] surprised) to find that her voice sounds more feminine, less ravaged by sore throats, bad diets, and yelling into the voice chat because your character just totally [I]killed[/I] it, did you see that!? It's weird, sure, but not bad. In fact, Akimoto could get used to this. Pushing her fingers into the soft grass (real grass, she notes), she pushes herself up, in the process discovering and documenting the various other new developments about herself and her body. [I]Long legs,[/I] she thinks, admiring her pale, smooth skin and perfect figure. Wow, she really lost some weight, huh? Is this some weird dream? (No, this feels too real to be a dream...) It's not until she touches her hair, curls tumbling down her (bare) shoulders in a scene straight out of some Disney Princess movie, that she realizes. These curls are blue. Or teal. Whatever. The outfit she's wearing--it's a teensy bit revealing, honestly, but now that Akimoto's shed those pesky pounds, she doesn't exactly have to worry about it--is extravagant, and familiar. The skirt, tangled around her slender legs. The presence of something cold and metallic, pressed against her upper leg. That... [i]thing[/i] that she's seen before... It's the outfit of her character, KitKat Winters, from the game [I]Emerald Odyssey.[/I] Class: Dancer. Race: Naiad. Oh. [I]Oh.[/I] ...And it all comes back. The grinding for materials. Falling asleep at the monitor, snuggled into her favorite hoodie, half-eaten bowl of ramen and meat skewers sitting next to her head. The expansion downloading while she slept. She's-- She's-- "AWWW YEAH!!!" Akimoto's scream echoes for miles, and by the time her ears stop ringing, she's up off the ground and running towards the nearest town in hopes of finding breakfast. Her steps are light! She can't stop grinning! Her dagger is strapped securely to her thigh! Watch out, world, there's a KitKat Winters on the loose! [I]Episode One: THE QUEST FOR BREAKFAST![/I]