Solomon rode hard and fast across the moors, pausing only long enough to strip Emily's clothes from her body and toss them into a stream before wrapping her in his cloak which was neatly inlaid with delicate pockets of garlic. Even if the blood sucking scum could track, which there was no mention of them being able to do so, they would be unable to continue the pursuit. Bloodhounds might find the clothes and try to track with them but open country was the worst place for such beasts as the wind would blow any scent far to the south, away from Solomons route. Only a Hellhound might have a chance but he had killed the last one rumoured to be alive a year ago. He stopped only when the horse could go no further that night. Taking refuge in a small hovel that had been abandoned god knows when. Securing Emilys hands and feet so that she could not run, he stepped out into the gathering darkness and began to prepare his hiding place. Using several small items from his bag he laid a groundwork of holy symbols that would both protect him from evil, and more importantly, cloak him from their sight. One did not become Solomon Kane without some tricks up his sleeve and God on his side. He ensured that the horse was secure inside the protective boundary as well and collected an armload of forage from the abandoned fields. The horse whickered softly and nuzzled his hand before chowing down. He gave the strong neck a heavy pat and brushed the creature as best he would with no comb. Returning to the hovel he found Emily was awake and kicking at her bonds. She stopped as soon as he came in and fixed him with a hateful stare. She looked beautiful even with nothing but a shift on, the white cloth now stained with dirt and horse sweat. He felt a familiar urge in his loins and began to debate the merits of taking her right there on the dirt floor. "Do you have any idea who I am?!" She demanded in a petulant, almost childlike tone. He sighed. He hated chatty captives. "Yes, you matter to Prince Eddie." Solomon replied as he sat, leaning back against the side of the hovel. He would not light a fire, the symbols might protect him from rampaging evil but they did nothing to hide the smell of woodsmoke once it had travelled beyond the circle. "And that, my dear, is good enough for me." "There will by war if you don't release me! My father is the King!" "Is he!?" Solomon's eyes lit up. "Well, isn't that convenient. I was hoping to start a little war and maybe your daddy can wipe out Edward and his ilk for me." He was rather taken by the idea and the girl had fallen deathly quiet at the horrible smile that had crossed his features. She looked afraid now. Perhaps some small piece of his true identity had leaked through and that cheered him slightly. Maybe he still had it after all. "My father..." She started again at last and he snapped forward so quickly she gasped, his face inches from hers, his eyes gleaming. "Your father will do what he his told if he wants you back... unspoiled..." He ran a hand up between her legs and then chuckled as she tried to kick him away. "Now, now. You're worth more to me alive and unspoiled than not, but I promise I will kill you if I have to, and only after I have violated you in every way imaginable." The blood had drained from her face and curled into a ball, hands tied behind her back, knees and ankles similarly disadvantaged. She was helpless and she knew it. "Who are you...?" She whispered the words. "Now isn't that a question." He stated flatly before leaning back again. "Oh!" He sat forward again. "Can't have you making any noise." Before she could resist he had jammed a wad of cloth into her mouth. She tried to spit it out but failed, sagging onto the dirt floor with muted sobs. "There, there, try to stay quiet. Old William Chaucer will keep you warm." He pulled the heavy cloak over her for some sort of warmth. "I've got you." He said as he patted her head. He leaned back and settled his shoulder against the stone. He would doze perhaps, but sleep was out of the question. He needed to be alert. He was certain Edward would come, and that suited him just fine.