Res watched with barely bridled annoyance as her escort scuttled out of the room, she despised manipulative people, even over stupid little incidents like this. Looking back at Gudrun, she wasted no time in getting to the point, "I'm sure everyone feels the same way about their city." The fact that the appointed escort was a liar, and how opportunely the Dwarven councilor decided to take advantage of the situation made Rehsif wary of the Dwarf's agenda, however it was true she had little to no opinion on who she wanted to help first. So she took a seat in front of Gudrun's desk and made sure to tuck her bag by her feet, her coin wasn't leaving her sight again if she had any say in it. "I'd also like to put in a formal request to have my missing money returned. It was ten silvers I had that went missing." Res scratched at the scars on her chin, such a long stay in the dungeon left her feeling very itchy, "And as to why, or who, or what I need to do. Just give me a list and I'll do my best, or tell you if I can't. I don't need any other explanations."