"No... no fucking way." Frankie Gomez responded while dropping the cell phone and knife in terror. Soon enough, he realized that thing was the one who caused and most likely killed his pursuiters. He had thought that officers had entered the building until he heard the dying screams and cries for help. But he never thought something as appalling as the dark figure staring at him. It wanted to ask a few questions and expected them to be answered. Of course, Gomez nodded while processing the whole thing. It started with a simple question: "Who are you?" "Frankie Gomez." Gomez answered. Inque went the bathroom and saw a man in it, hugging his knees in fear. Then, it closed the door and turned to Gomez, who was sweating and trying to explain the situation. Before he could finish, the creature grabbed and threw him out of the room and into the hallway. He quickly got up and slowly walked away from it. The figure walked out of the room as it shut the door slowly instead of slamming it close. Now, it was getting tried and asked another question in a demanding tone: "Why were you being chased?" Gomez didn't know if he should lie or tell it the truth to... whatever it was. With nowhere to go, what options does he have left to play? Make a run for it in the hopes that it doesn't catch up to him? Or tell him and see if it had sympathy? He felt the window and realized that he had reached the end of the hallway. With time slowly running out, Gomez sighed, looked at the figure, and began speaking, "I am apart of the Juárez Locos until I fucked up tonight. All because of fucking Jorge. I told them that he was unstable because of the drugs but nobody cared. We almost had him and he fucked everything up. And now, I am paying for it." "'We almost had' who?" "Hernando de la Cruz, the head of the Aztecas. Even if I manage to survive tonight, the Azteca Cartel will never forgive nor forget my actions." Gomez paused and collapsed to the ground with tears in his eyes, realizing that he's a dead man walking. "Oh god, I am a goner." Inque felt nothing for the man while staring at him with a dead expression; however, he did have his answers even if it left him with more questions. Who were the Azteca Cartel and the Juárez Locos? What happened to the point that the Locos planned on killing Hernando? For now, he had to deal with the sorry excuse that was crying for his mama. Inque had one final question left and asked, "Do you have regrets?" "Huh?" Gomez looked up at the monster still crying over his inevitable death. "You know, regrets for working with the so-called Juárez Locos. Regrets for being a cowardly criminal with the purpose of ruining lives. Regrets for killing victims caught in between this little rivalry or destroying lives. Those kind of regrets?" Inque explained the questions and waited for an answer. Gomez reflected