((Collab between Letter Bee and FalloutJack)) [B][i]Flashback, Four Years Ago[/i][/b] Alexander Sky had been initiated in flame, capturing three Denver-Vegas aces and their NCs in just three months of combat and destroying dozens of conventional vehicles. Now, the southernmost reaches of Japan had been reconqured from rebels and their American supporters, and stories of the young Slave-Pilot who had brought Red-Star such glory were spreading among the Chinese forces stationed in Kyushu, where Red-Star had retaken the Nagasaki Burrow and the Corporate assets stationed there. Alexander knew that freedom as a 'Comrade-Pilot' was coming soon, if only he can win more captures or kills. But despite that, other thoughts occupied his mind. As he was allowed free time to walk the corridors of Fukoka Military Base - Another Red-Star stronghold - Alexander was... Worried. Worried that he might need to see 'The Room' once more. 'The Room' confirmed his loyalty by 'reformatting' his brain, but it also diminished his effectiveness in an NC. But what else to do [i]when he had disloyal thoughts[/i]? Reluctantly, he began to go to where Red-Star's instruments of torment and brainwashing were... While Alexander had made a name of himself with his expertise, there was talk among both pilots and technician, of things overheard about the human-plus project. Years of work on the new process, and now...they were saying it was nearing completion. You would almost wonder why anyone would go to the trouble, when you could just train up someone - be they slave or comrade - to handle things, but then...this was no ordinary thing. They wanted a pilot that blew all current standards right out of the water, a human being who could not fail. Or even if they DID fail, it would be at a high cost for the enemy. They never stated who their prime candidate was, but rumor had it that the NC model known as Id was their mech, and rumors of [i]that[/i] machine had been flying, as well. Fast, powerful and flight-capable. Those were the words they used, and the pilot would be able to sync incredibly well with that. All of these things would not exactly prepare you for when you happened to...oh say...meet her just in the hall...with a bowl of ice cream. Terra was, at the moment, absorbed. She didn't have to be, but there were two important facts right now that mattered a great deal. First, she could crank up her enjoyment of things just by thinking it. And second, she was focusing like this because, after having gotten through some recent testing, she needed a break to cool herself down. They were nearly done with calibrations, but there were hormones that she was having a hard time dealing with, at times. This was one outlet, but there were umm...others. All Alex would see was a black-haired girl dressed in jeans and a short-sleeve shirt. This young woman was certainly a Comrade-Pilot, Alexander thought. He could see it in the way she carried herself. That and Ice Cream was a rare privilege for Slave-Pilots. So he waited for Terra to come his way, then gave a slight bow before he asked: [color=f7941d]"Comrade-Pilot, what brings you here?"[/color] He then felt compelled to remind her that, [color=f7941d]"This Slave-Pilot has been ordered to serve every Comrade any way they know how as long as it does not damage thier ability to fight."[/color] Terra had not been entirely paying attention to her surroundings, of course, yet she wasn't in danger of bumping into things, either. She stopped when Alexander addressed her, her violet eyes shifting focus to find a slave pilot around her age standing there. Her eyes picked out details of her surroundings, not seeing an identifying serial number, then went back to him. [color=ed1c24]"Which section did I just wander [i]into?[/i] And why are you talking in the third-person?"[/color] There was no need to remind her what slave pilots were for. She knew well enough. The only real question was why this one in particular seemed to be drawing attention to himself. Alexander did not react to her surprise, but answered promptly. [color=f7941d]"Oh, you are just a few corridors away from 'The Room', Lady Comrade. I was going there to recieve enlightenment anew to shed potentially compromising thoughts. Nevertheless, if you wish to administer punishment and incentive yourself, I am in no position to stop you."[/color] He looked at her, briefly glancing at her face and form. She was beautiful... Just as he was handsome, his natural good looks and athletic build honed by diet and exercise. Alexander nevertheless hoped she would not force him to give... His body, not that it was his own anyway. The boy shuddered involuntarily, then took a step back away from her as he realized what he had done. Was this his end? You know, it's funny he thought about that, because she actually [i]had[/i] used some people that way. Slaves were the easiest to get, since they had to follow her commands, but there were some exceptions. It was these damn raging hormones. They too were stronger than a normal human, just like alot of parts of her, and when puberty set in, she couldn't just tell them to be quiet. It was a new faculty. It needed time to adjust. It was like being a child again, in that sense. Asking someone to go with her was, in essence, stress management, and frankly...some even enjoyed it. Right now, though, Terra was more confused, than anything. It even showed on her face. [color=ed1c24]"Why would I be wanting to do that? The Room is for modifying dissidents and traitors. You're here without guards, ergo you follow orders. Do you [i]always[/i] follow orders that do nothing but harm you? They need more than loyalty in this place. He need careful consideration and cohesive thought. I don't think The Room will do much for one who would head there willingly."[/color] Alexander blinked at that, and said, [color=f7941d]"But nevertheless, I have errant thoughts; and it is not my choice to refuse to follow orders."[/color] A pause, as he smiled slightly. [color=f7941d]"That said, I can follow a different and more recent set of commands if you are willing to give them."[/color] She thought about this for a second, mildly annoyed by the single-mindedness or the [i]pretense[/i] of single-mindedness he was showing. Then, she said... [color=ed1c24]"Follow me, and tell me what you were thinking."[/color] ...before starting to walk off. Had to finish this bowl. It was melting, after all. A nod as the Slave-Pilot followed behind her, saying, [color=f7941d]"It is about my old mentor, Cody Ang. He had abandoned the cause and deserted Red-Star forces just last year, and I could not comprehend why."[/color] A pause. [color=f7941d]"I also captured three Pilots these past three months; all of them Denver-Vegas Imperialists. Two were of my own age group, and I feel... Regret and guilt that they are to be broken and used as Slave-Pilots. Should I not feel joy that they would be enlightened by pain to fight beside us in the future?"[/color] This was an issue that hit somewhat close to home Not just because she was a part of Red-Star, mind you, but because she had used pain to enlighten some thick-headed people in the past, herself. They were doing things that were causing unnecessary harm, bullying. Beating the shit out of them tended to stop that. Terra shook her head. [color=ed1c24]"Slave-Pilots have one goal: To not be slaves anymore. Administering pain is a means of control. In essence, it is to make you [i]more[/i] of a slave. These principles are incompatible, especially when you consider that it can affect pilot synchronicity. They don't dare try that on me because everything must be perfect for at least the trial run. Good pilots yield good results. Damaged pilots are erratic and unpredictable. Case in point, your mentor."[/color] Alexander replied, [color=f7941d]"That makes sense, Lady Comrade. So my mentor was - is - damaged? But he's always been a Comrade; how can he have been damaged?"[/color] She finished her ice cream and just held the bowl now, glancing over at him. [color=ed1c24]"You mean he was your mentor and you have no idea what problems he had, real or imagined? Maybe his student disappointed him. Or maybe other things..."[/color] She seemed to be considering that, but then she added. [color=ed1c24]"Oh, and don't call me Lady Comrade. I haven't begun piloting yet. My name is Terra Laedo."[/color] The boy was worked up to a fury, clenching and unclenching his fists as he cried out, facing her with a sweat covered brow, [color=f7941d]"I would never, ever disappoint [i]Sifu[/i] Cody, Terra Laedo!"[/color] Breathing hard, he would add a qualifier, [color=f7941d]"Not knowingly..."[/color] He then looked down at his feet, his fists only lightly clenched now, [color=f7941d]"There was news about an airstrike, though, that his superiors ordered on a city being contested by enemy forces. Many of his comrades died there and the civilian population of the town."[/color] Alexander then faced her again. [color=f7941d]"But he would... He [i]should[/i] not question orders like that anyway, and he shouldn't have left!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Why would anybody stay when you destroy what they want to protect? Pain does not make you happy to kill those of whom you value."[/color] His anger did nothing but keep her wary in case he wanted to lash out, as she placed the bowl upon the ground. [color=ed1c24]"What is the most important thing in your life, pilot?"[/color] Alexander's gaze firmed and tightened as he said, [color=f7941d]"My parents. I want to win their freedom and mine."[/color] Terra nodded at this. It was something she could relate to more directly. She had her parents. They were kept around to share in decent living conditions like her and she was able to be raised like a normal human being. They did this...in order to manage her, she believed. Because she loved them, and Red-Star had power over them, they were all basically threatened. [color=ed1c24]"And if they were to die? What then? What happens when something you care deeply about is taken from you, or that you would be forced to sacrifice that thing, personally?"[/color] The boy pursed his lips, [color=f7941d]"I am not talking treason."[/color] A slight angle of his head; enough for his eyes to glint with reflected light. It was clear he knew his answer to that and wanted to convey it to Terra with plausible deniability. Now, she smirked, just a little. [color=ed1c24]"Well, if you're not talking treason, you couldn't possibly need any pain enlightenment. You understand [i]perfectly[/i] what needs to be done."[/color] Alexander smiled widely, and he stretched out his right hand, saying, [color=f7941d]"You're a smart person, Terra Laedo. Do you want to be friends?"[/color] She crossed her arms a moment as her smirked deepened, and she said... [color=ed1c24]"Friends have names. It seems unfair that I don't have yours."[/color] A chuckle, as he said, [color=f7941d]"Alexander Sky, from the Gansu Provincial Breeding Camp. I'm of Volkov pedigree."[/color] He waited for her to shake his hand. She took his hand and shook it properly, even smiled. [color=ed1c24]"Terra Laedo, human plus project. I was born to kill everyone."[/color] This was spoken matter-of-factly, completely straight-faced. If they hadn't had the previous conversation, Alex would think her to be some kind of engineered psychopath. But this girl, this experimental pilot, had just helped him [i]understand[/i] She was no more telling the truth than his not talking about treachery. Oh...big agendas... The future had ALOT in store...