[@Lmpkio], Hello and welcome to Divinus. We have not started this particular roleplay yet, so you can start as a full god. The taken Portfolios, for people with character sheets, are: Desolation (Lord Zee) Stone (Commodore) Recording (Slime) Light (Crispy Octopus) Passage (Double Capybara) Markets (Antarctic Termite) Insects (Leotamer) Rivers (AdorableSaucer) Darkness (Vec) Family (Scarifar) Words (Lauder) Rain (Frettzo) Ocean (BBeast) Puzzles (Strange Rodent) Cold (jetipster) War (Oraculum) Details on their Spheres can be found in their respective character sheets which have all been posted onto this thread, but generally they are what you might expect for the Portfolios. We also have a few people yet to complete their character sheets, but have expressed interest in particular Portfolios anyway. The characters associated with these Portfolios range from almost-complete to just-a-vague-idea-at-the-moment. Virtue (Aristo) (His Sphere is the Sun) Technology (WrongEndoftheRainbow) Sleep/Dreams (Goldeagle1221) Law (LokiLeo789) Blood (Muttonhawk) Death (Cyclone) Nature (Darkspleen) (considering starting with Plants instead) Wind (DracoLunaris) Possibilities (Scarescrow) The weather niche is rather crowded, with three gods already directly related to the weather (Rain, Cold, Wind), although something like Deserts is currently unoccupied. If you want to do something with nature, talk with Darkspleen and possibly Leotamer to see if there is space for you. 'Dragons' probably wouldn't make a good Portfolio, as it is far too narrow to be useful for anything except a single species which doesn't even exist yet, but having a dragon-themed god could work. Maybe you could take Reptiles and work from there? We have a Discord server which should be linked in the opening post. A lot of discussions on building characters (plus other banter) occurs on that server, so it is highly recommended that you join it if you are considering joining this RP. The people there can help you pick a Portfolio. If you have any problems connecting, let us know and we will try to help. For a detailed description of the rules, a Google Doc is linked in the opening post which contains the current draft of the roleplay's opening post. You will need to read it to complete your character sheet. If you are not able to read it, the actual thread for this RP with the rules should be posted in about a day and you can read it then. For your benefit and the benefit of anyone else not reading the Google Doc, here is the CS template: [hider=Blank Character Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] ((To know your god, name your god.)) [b]Their Sphere:[/b] ((Give it a name, a brief summary of what it’ll be like, what goes on inside this Sphere, and how it affects Galbar. You needn’t be too detailed in your sheet as most of this stuff relating to your Sphere’s impact can be fleshed out IC.)) [b]Location of Sphere:[/b] ((Upper/Celestial or Lower/Chthonic? What other Spheres does it touch most closely? We strongly encourage collaboration with other players when they make their Spheres.)) [b]Portfolio:[/b] ((The name of your first portfolio, as well as a paragraph or so description of the powers conveyed by said portfolio)) [b]Persona:[/b] ((General moral alignment, ambitions, personality traits, etc.)) [b]Appearance/Form:[/b] ((Every god can eventually take multiple forms, but at the start they will have only one, barring some sort of portfolio that offers a compelling explanation as to why they might have inherent powers to take other shapes. Your god’s first form could be a humanoid, a colossal dragon, or even something as wild as a cloud of pure fire. Just choose carefully, and note that certain shapes will be rather...inconvenient at times.)) [b]Musical Theme:[/b] ((What’s their jam? Optional.)) ((Lastly, remember to read the OP thoroughly!)) [/hider]