[color=fff79a][b]Ral [/b][/color]~ [i]Treasure Island[/i] A ring of light shone on the crystal tree on the island not far from the western lands. An island ground, the grass scattered with countless treasures, some worked with gold, but more often they are encrusted with jewels, diamonds and any priceless rubies of various values. Even the colour of the mist was taint of green. Taking a seat on the Jade Throne Ral looked at the ongoing work that he had been working on. "Tsk..." Clicking his tongue in frustration, that glowy orb blinked away like the stars. Too less power, not even close to the three treasures of his first creations. The last one that he took to the tribe of the coast. He doubted that his oracle to them would do any help, but he would be glad if they had managed to sniff out the three treasures. It’s not even enough, and one more that he adds, he would be putting himself into the item, [i]not a good idea to seal myself into an object...[/i] The white dragon was another worrisome one, one of that angry god's dragon that he strengthened. It seemed as terrifying as those bigger dragons from the Black Spire. That was as much regret than the time where he created the copy ring. He tried to sense where that one had gone to. A part of his powers are in that dragon nonetheless, from that time of encounter of the desert. Now that is reminded, he had placed a link on the truth seeking rod, a direct one, not that anybody would know about this. That one link where he can sense the place of the weapon.