Ducaelia was going to let Silas take the wheel, but allowing her to explain some of the details kinda pleased her. She got up and stood next to Silas. [color=00aeef]"It would be my pleasure. Now, you boys might remember me from an earlier contract, in which I killed your employer after he payed you~."[/color] She walked around the boys while she activated a holo-projector. She rubbed Cyne's shoulder before walking back to Silas. [color=00aeef]"Now, I've been chasing our current prey for a month now, in particular Death. His forces are smallest of the horsemen, but the most lethal. Horsemen ship crews however are rumored to be ill-experienced in combat of any form, and I have some conformation of that after chasing one of War's scouting vessels."[/color] She seemed to get a little mad when she said that. She activated one of her claws an began scratching at her other hand's fingers, as if filing them. [color=00aeef]"Madlock himself is very lethal, anyone he want's dead dies, even if by his own hand. But he and the horsemen have gotten lazy lately. They've left witnesses, many being former syndicate members alive. I believe that having others do their dirty work has caused that.[/color] She pulled a data-pad out of one of her pouches. She unlocked it by showing a symbol on her hand, which sh quickly hid. [color=00aeef]"Now I don't have much on the others but rumors, so if you want more info on them I suggest looking around on this rock. Everything I do have will be transferred to your ship. Anything to add Silas~?"[/color]