It's cool that you got to see him yesterday then ^^ Ah, okay. I actually am Christian (I just tend not to write like it, since I don't include my personal practices in my characters) but if you study music history, Christian music takes longer to develop than secular music because there's always backlash from traditionalists who believe that if you change it, then you're of the devil xD It's kinda sad, really. The artists are getting better slowly, but I still haven't found too many that I love. Jonathan Thulin is really good though. He's got one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard in my life This song shows off his voice really well: [youtube][/youtube] Oh, also, just thought I should tell you this because I think it's funny. I added "Safe" by Nico Santos to my own playlist, and my husband got it stuck in his head for weeks xD I told him that he could thank you for that, since you showed it to me lol