[hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjk2LmNmNWNmZi5WSFY1Wlc0Z3hKQnZ3NkJ1LjAA/otterly-adorable.regular.png [/img] [/center] [code] St Mercer Hospital[/code] [sub][@Atrophy][/sub] [hr] “It’s okay, I didn’t think you were prying,” Tuyen shrugged. Though it was a bit of a lie, it was easy to make. She would have been a bit more annoying if Rita’s abstraction had worked on her. But overall she couldn’t judge the other girl for it – after all they had to make the most of what they had. And she didn’t exactly have an abstraction that she would call good in any sense of the word. And anyway, that wasn’t the important thing just now. That was getting out. Not that Tuyen had many idea for that – and that didn’t help push down the constant, slight panic she felt. It put her on edge but now that she wasn’t having a full on attack she was more than able to pretend to be fine. “Yes, he also woke me up,” Tuyen nodded. “I had some strange dreams too… but I agree. We should get moving. Maybe some of the others are here.” It was pretty easy to find a door out of the ward, and Tuyen carefully made her way over to it. She peered out to find an empty corridor. Eerily empty, in a way. Weren’t hospitals normally bustling with activity? “There’s nothing bad out there… but there’s also no one around at all.” [hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi44OGMwY2QuUTJGbGJHVmhJRUpoYVhKay4w/rainy-wind.regular.png[/img] [/center] [code]St Mercer Hospital[/code] [sub][@Atrophy][@Ruler Inc][/sub] [hr] Caelea managed to stop herself from hitting the wall with another, slightly lighter blast of air. It seemed she could control how hard she controlled the air if she concentrated but not much. She really should’ve tried to figure out her abstraction sooner. And she had barely even scratched the woman. Fuck. She guessed that she was possessed, it was all too similar of an orange glow to what had happened with Scott Reese. Seemed that made her stronger too. This was not going to be easy with just the three of them here. She honestly hoped more people were around and would turn up soon. She tried to jump to Justin’s help as he fell down, restrained, but the Nurse cut her off while shouting out a bunch of shit. “I’m glad you found purpose in your life, but can that be to not fucking kill me?” Caelea dodged away from the pipe, using air to make sure she completely avoided it. “That’s just a bit inconvenient, you know.” She pushed out with her hand, blasting at the woman’s in the hope that she could knock the pipe away. At the same time she kicked at the Nurse’s stomach and shot another powerful blast of air at her.