Zafiria had made a large space for herself in the training area after greeting the caretaker and notifying him of her intentions. It was a rule that her father enforced for her to practice respect, protect the training warriors, and to have a healer on alert in case a spell went wrong. She stood tall in the open air, enjoying the chill of it as it rolled down the mountain and over the castle. Breathing deeply, Zafiria reached into her little bag and retrieved a small handful of dust. [color=a2d39c][b]"Pulvis, vento, nubes,"[/b][/color] A gail of wind rushed past her, yanking at her loose clothing [color=a2d39c][b]"celare!"[/b][/color] she called, throwing the dust at the floor. Immediately the wind plumed upwards, carrying and multiplying the dust with it before settling into a thick dusty cloud that rested like fog. Zafiria coughed, astounded by the thickness of the cover and the stillness of it after such a violent beginning. It seemed that it would be a very handy defensive spell. The others in the training area were beginning to make noise after their own stunned silence, making groping and bumping sounds. [color=a2d39c][b]"Where is the edge of the spell?"[/b][/color] Zafiria called into the smoke. She had to know where the edge was, assuming that she was in the centre of it. A few calls came back but it sounded as if the dusty fog rolled around them and off the side of the mountain, covering the entire training area. Putting her hands out in front of her, Zafiria began to walk slowly towards where the castle should be since she could only see about a foot in front of herself. She could hear others doing the same and after a short while, everyone was into the main hallway inside the castle that leads to the training area. Zafiria got the attention of all the trainees, warriors, the caretaker and a healer before making a formal apology for interrupting their work. Of course, they responded positively though encouraged her to be careful in the use of spells such as that which effect such a large area. ~~~ Captain Ammiras heard the uproar and rushed with his two comrades towards the upheaval. It wasn't long before they caught sight of the royal tutor, and of a foreigner standing over him. [b][color=f26522]"Hey!"[/color][/b] the trio jogged up to them, surveying the aftermath. [b][color=f26522]"Many thanks for protecting the people."[/color][/b] Ammiras said, holding his hand out to shake Chris' while the other two helped the tutor up. The tutor sprung into a description of Chris' heroics, leaving out the more sensitive details. The guards didn't need to hear that, the king however needed to hear all of it. He pressed the guard to bring him to the king immediately. Captain Ammiras relented, sending one of the crews ahead to the king. The Captain, began to escort both the fanatic tutor and Chris back to the castle. [b]"[color=f26522]Sorry about this, I appreciate your coming calmly. It will make everything go faster."[/color][/b] ~~~ Zafiria began to walk away from the training group when a page rushed up to her. [b]"Princess, the King wants you in the great hall."[/b] she paused, [b]"Shall we go dust you off before you go to the great hall?"[/b] she asked. Zafiria nodded in agreement, moving swiftly with the page. Zafiria soon stood outside the main doors of the great hall. She must be in big trouble for her father to summon her like that. Breathing a sigh, she squared her shoulders, donned a court expression and smoothly opened the door.