[h2]Sumi & Hannah[/h2] "She said we were if the power went out," Hannah said, still laying on the floor. There was a thunder crash and the lights flickered and then went out. Hannah let out a huge groan, stood up and went into the small bathroom they shared with the girls in the next room. She washed her face and looked at Sumi. "There am I presentable?" Sumi nodded, took the candle that had been given to them, lit it, and went to the dining area with Hannah. [h2]Elenore[/h2] She had just stepped back into the house from the lake and telling Cora to come back inside, seriously why did that girl think it was a good idea to swim during a lightning storm. Elenore shook her head, as the lights went out. Cora, soaking wet apologized and dashed upstairs to change. "Meet back at the dining room Cora." She smiled at the girl and went to the dining room to check on how preparations were going.