Kyra's attack cut her free of the leeching critter, its own blood and the beginnings of the priestess's mingling together in a pool down towards the floor. The hole made by the proboscis would close itself in a matter of minutes, so that was of no concern to the adventurer. Her charge against the other attempt at her life essence would find fruit just as well, piercing the awful bloodsucking monster with a precise strike through its diminutive body. That was two, and a start. She would not be alone in her efforts, for while it took some stretching a hyena was a fair deal more flexible than a horse. The unluckiest stirge was situated still in the reach of the druid's animal shape, the jaws of the hyena closing in on its small shape. The creature was too greedy to take wing and would find that to be its demise, for the bite reached barely far enough. And now the predator had tasted blood, working itself to a frenzy that led it to spin about until the grip of another stirge loosened enough for it to end up between the jaws of the drooling beast, the sharp teeth crushing the would-be parasite and freeing what had been stolen back to its owner with interest. That made it four, even if the cloud of bats would not let it be plain to see. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] Kyra lands both of her strikes, removing stirges #7 & #8 from the combat. Torus chomps down on stirge #3 with a roll of [url=]15[/url], landing an attack worth [url=]10[/url] damage. This reduces the stirge to 0 hp, which allows him to use his bonus action to Rampage and make another bite attack, this time at stirge #4 with a roll of [url=]23[/url], dealing [url=]13[/url] damage. This, too, kills the stirge. Six stirges remain in combat, one on Parum, two on Orchid and three in flight. It is now Ashkar Brannor's turn [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]. [/hider]