[center] [color=6ecff6][h1]Yjarldor Stormcaller[/h1][/color] [/center] [hr] The streets of Inarrel bustled with life, dozens of people going every which way as they tried to carry out their daily tasks and avoid crashing in to each other. Yjarl couldn't help but slight chuckle at the thought that no matter what world he was in people were always in too much of a hurry for his tastes. It took him more than a bit to get the hang of maneuvering his new gargantuan form, much to the distain to the half dozen of street vendors who's stales he managed to topple over as he stumbled about. But luckily it seemed that after a few falls that Yjarl was able to walk down the street with competence, this may have been do to the fact that people started to make way for the clumsy giant but Yjarl still counted it as a victory. Though it took some getting used to Yjarl was actually starting to like his new stature, it gave him a view over everything around him that he could only dream of. A small smile formed on his light blue lips as he scanned over the scurrying crowd that flowed around him, despite the haste that surrounded him he couldn't help the excitement that filled him as he again appreciated the fact of where he was. He was actually in Inarrel. In [i]Emerald Odyssey[/i]!! The behemoth had to contain himself from jumping with giddiness, namely do to if he did he would probably fall over again. The only thing that brought him back down to reality was the fact that in all honesty he had no idea what he was going to do now. [color=6ecff6][b]"Huh..."[/b][/color] Yjarl stopped as he began to ponder the options. Usually while he was playing the game he had a menu of quests that he could choose from that gave him a sense of direction, now that he was here what was he supposed to do? [color=6ecff6][b]"If only I had a map or something..."[/b][/color] As soon as the words left his lips a small screen popped up in front of Yjarl's face, prompting a rather loud yelp from the towering young man quickly followed by an apology to the group of concerned on lookers that he just startled. As he recomposed himself Yjarl looked back to the screen floating in front of him and just as he asked for it was a map. [color=6ecff6][b]"Awesome..."[/b][/color] He mumbled as he scanned it over. Yjarl started to walk and just as he had hoped a little marker on the map began to move with him, that was him. [color=6ecff6][b]"So cool!"[/b][/color] Despite it being a simple little thing Yjarl couldn't help but be fascinated by the map, to the point that he began to walk with it still open, tracking his progress through the city with it. He didn't even know how long he had been walking by this point, he may have gone on forever like this if it was not for him over hearing a conversation that caught his interest. [color=6ecff6][b]"Wait Japan?"[/b][/color] Yjarl spoke aloud as he finally closed his map and looked over to catch the sight of a small group of characters. [color=6ecff6][b]"Did you guys just say Japan? Like the real world Japan?"[/b][/color] He questioned as he stepped towards the group, peering down at them. He then threw his arms up as if in victory. [color=6ecff6][b]"YES!! I'M NOT ALONE!!"[/b][/color] He exclaimed, his voice almost shaking the earth with its force.