Hina squeezed her eyes tightly shut, vaugly aware of a warm light on her face and the chatter of animals in her ears, but trying to ignore the sensation in favour of getting some sleep. [color=9e0b0f][i]'Did I fall asleep gathering again? Damn, I hope Chisuikoumori didn't get killed by some wondering monster, I'll log on and check later.'[/i][/color] Hina rolled over onto her side frowning for a moment upon feeling the touch of grass on her cheek, before becoming acutely aware of the fact that she wasn't at all tired, but rather just feeling very lethargic. Snapping her eyes open she observed a forest clearing through what seemed to be a fine red mist radiating from her face, before finally locking her eyes onto a strange looking flower. [color=9e0b0f][i]'Wait those actually exist? I thought they where just an Emerald Odyssey thing... actually where am I... more importantly I'm starving, wonder if I can eat the flower...'[/i][/color] After a moments thought she decided that eating the flower was a bad idea, instead standing herself up, half delirious with this strange ever growing hunger and absent mindedly pulling up her hood to keep out the red mist, before stumbling off in search of food. Eventually stumbling into a clearing where what looked like a dead deer, missing its head and pelt but otherwise pretty much intact lay, Hina blind with hunger leant over and began to feed off the corpse. After she'd finished a number of thoughts raced through her recovering mind. [color=9e0b0f][i]'Is everything really massive... No I'm tiny... Hehe, this is kinda like Emerald Odyssey... Holy S**t I just ate that thing... Holy S**t, I'm in Emerald Odyssey.. Hell yeah!'[/i][/color] Taking a moment to think about the situation Hina realised that given her hight she was probably currently in the body of Chisuikoumori, and what she experienced just before was likely the effects of her sanguine hunger. With that in mind Hina squeezed her eyes tightly shut and shouted inventory, grinning as she opens them and sees the semi-transparent pannel and quietly cursing herself when she realised she already had a few bottles of blood. After donning her mask and traveling cloak to protect herself from the sun before using a scroll to return to town. [color=9e0b0f]"This is going to be so much fun!"[/color]