[center][h2][color=146A26]AkioBai[/color][/h2][/center] Akio watched Valentine. He recognized the panic in her face and as she continued to pull her hand away from him he sighed. He had to take this another way. She was obviously having a panic attack or something similar and that was a subject he actually knew well. His brother and him had developed anxiety and depression after the death of their father and they both had frequent panic attacks in the following years. Akio began his usual pattern of words that he spoke to Aito when he was in this state. [color=afdf68]”Hey Valentine. It’s ok. Breathe. Breathe. In and out. In and out. You are safe. Nothings going to hurt you. It’s ok. Just breathe. In and out. In and out. In and out.”[/color] His voice was soft and comforting. He kept it low and quiet, knowing that calmed his brother and him when they were in a panicked state. As she agreed to go outside he let her pull her hand away as she held onto the handkerchief and kept pressure on the cut. As he sat down beside her and watched her scoot away, he did the same, wanting her to be comfortable on the bench even if it meant that he wasn’t. He then looked at her and smiled small. [color=afdf69]”Do you mind if I have a look at your hand? I don’t need to touch it and you can look away. Will you just show me it, so I can make sure there isn’t any glass in the cut?”[/color] he asked her softly. He wanted to be gentle with her and take it slow. She obviously had no trust in him yet but he wanted to show her that she could trust him. When the attendant came out with the first aid kit he looked at Valentine while stopping the attendant from advancing. [color=afdf68]”Someone has to disinfect and wrap your cut. I can do it or the attendant can or I can go get someone else if you can find a way to tell me who you want.[/color] he looked at her and smiled small. [color=afdf68]”Just point at me, the attendant, or the door so we know who you would feel comfortable touching your hand and wrapping it up.”[/color] He honestly just wanted to help Valentine and he knew that after her hand was bandaged, the best thing he could do was leave her alone to process her night and hopefully go to bed. He didn’t need to make her like him tonight. He had years to achieve that objective. All he had to do tonight was make a lasting impression on her and he was sure that this night would leave an impression on her that would last forever. Sure it wasn’t necessarily pleasant but it was ok. Hopefully they could look back on it one day and laugh.