[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FJYzzPN.png[/img] [h1][color=bc8dbf]Yukari Yozakura[/color][/h1][/center] Yukari could only sit in sullen silence as she wiped away her tears and listened to Dulga and Kaida try to encourage her. Kaida made it clear that Jett was [i]struggling[/i] against Yukari, though Yukari still couldn't find satisfaction from that since she was struggling against Jett. Granted Kaida also wasn't wrong that compared to everyone else, Jett was more skilled and experienced in fighting, and even then Yukari still gave him a run for his money. But she still just couldn't shake off the feeling that she could have done [i]more[/i]. Still... Yukari could at least be happy to know it wasn't a total curbstomp. Even if that's how she felt it was. She turned towards Kaida after she had said her part butalso noticed Mina and Ruby coming in. Yukari could smell them from here. Kaida started to stammer and seem more reluctant since those two came in and it made Yukari wonder what was wrong. She reached out to touch Kaida's hand. [color=bc8dbf]"You and me are in the same boat then, huh? We're both inexperienced but faced bad guys who were our exact weakness. I just... I just wished that I could've been better. Maybe figure out a trick or something clever to have snatched a win at the last moment."[/color] When Kaida talked about jett and Roy, Yukari looked sad. [color=bc8dbf]"I'll admit I... I let my emotions get the better of me that moment. I don't know why I did it I was just angry. Honestly Jett... I've never heard Jett act like that before. He always seemed so supportive and kind. Hearing him say that sort of thing to Roy after everything we've been through, it hurt me personally. I want to be able to go to him for support but if he's the type of person who'd say that sort of thing, it makes me afraid of... Of what he might say to me if I found myself in Roy's place."[/color] She sighed again and sunk into her seat, her body easily conforming to her seat. [color=bc8dbf]"Assuming that Jett isn't just being nice to me because I'm a girl. I already don't like people thinking I'm weak because I'm blind, knowing they're going easy on me just because I'm a girl is adding insult to injury."[/color] Dulga on the other hand didn't pull her punches and said that Yukari was being pathetic. She wasn't sure if she should feel angry or just more sad, though to be fair Yukari wasn't really trying to make herself feel better either. Dulga certainly doesn't seem the type to want to lie just to make anyone feel better about themselves. Though Yukari didn't agree that she was trying to blame anyone. [color=bc8dbf]"I'm not blaming anyone or anything, Tatara-san. I... I know I could've done better. That I could have been more active and maybe I could have even won if I had just worked harder. I don't blame anyone else for being able to do more than me... Just myself."[/color] What Dulga said next confused Yukari, but at the same time gave her a bit of hope. Yukari did have a lot of self-doubt and there were many times she felt completely helpless. She hated this, hated that part of her. Everyone always gave her encouragement which was nice, but it only made it hurt more when Yukari notices her failures and people just to cover it up. It felt dishonest. But Dulga was willing to look at her faults as long as Yukari wanted to improve. Yukari almost felt like crying again but stopped herself. [color=bc8dbf]"Of course I want to be better. I just... I just can't do it by myself. I don't have that sort of talent. I'm not like some people who could just isolate themselves in a dojo for years and grow stronger by constantly training. Practicing the same thing over and over again, working out every single detail until it becomes a science... I came to Komei to get away from that."[/color] What came next surprised Yukari. Dulga wanted Yukari and Kaida to come with Dulga to her home in Hokkaido. But Yukari had her doubts. [color=bc8dbf]"Hokkaido, isn't that towards the north? It's very cold up there... I'm not really good in the cold. And it sounds really shounen."[/color] But then the girl cracked a smile. While it seemed stereotypical, it wasn't a bad idea. Just a little bit silly. But if Dulga knew what she was doing, and if everyone worked hard, and maybe they had a teacher or two to make sure things don't take a turn for the worse, it was an idea that Yukari could get behind. [color=bc8dbf]"Well I think it's a good idea. But are we really going to take everyone? How would we get there? I don't know any trains that go that far north."[/color] [@Norschtalen][@Heartfillia]