[@bloonewb] (It's fine. Damn weather has me down too. That, and a cold of some sort.) Kali smiled at Ardasa's words. "The goddess has decided that you are ready. Don't fight her. Just let her in. You shall have my blessing." She gestured for Ardasa to sit. When she had done so, Kali touched her fingers to her Mercy's forehead and chanted in an old language, a dialect of draconic which was virtually unrecognizable to the modern-day kobolds. It was the language of Ardasa's first priests. As she spoke, a soft yellow glow suffused Kali's hands, moving to a single point on Ardasa's head and concentrating on a single point. A vision appeared before Ardasa's eyes, which now started to glow the same color as Kali's hands. "Just stay calm, my friend. Take deep breaths. I know you can't see me, but you can still hear my voice. Don't question what you see. Experience it. Let it become a part of you. Don't resist it, no matter what it is. What you are seeing is a reflection of what may be, and what will be if events continue on their current course. You are not seeing what must be." The vision itself was the same which Kali had seen, but with some twists. For one, it was clearer for Ardasa, as the vision was meant for her. She could clearly see who the kobolds on either side of the road were. One male, one female. Both of her blood. Both of Rughoi's blood, yet Rughoi himself was nowhere to be found in the vision.