[@Penny] "Huh?" Vera gracefully replied, managing to turn around in the direction of the car with only moderate difficulty. The sudden tension in the air did not escape her, she could smell the fear emanating from the man that had propositioned her. In the chill of the night, it tasted sweet, and welcoming. But it was the familiar, lovely smell of cordite that tipped her off to the trouble her new [i]friends[/i] promised. She knew that could run. She knew she should run. She knew that she could easily duck into an alley, jump some fences, and make a grand escape across a rooftop. But she didn't want to. She wanted a scrap. She wanted a fight. She wanted blood. Smiling, the young vampire approached the car. As she leaned against the battered driver's door, her hand moved inhumanely fast to the small of her back. She drew her pistol in one fluid motion, and pointed it lazily at the driver. Licking the tip of her fangs, she smiled a Cheshire Cat's grin,"May I have this dance?"