[h1] [center] [color=Fuchsia] Katya [/color] [/center] [/h1] [hr] When the order to drop was given, Katya felt her heart start to beat away in her chest. The young pilot taken in deep breaths as she commanded her werk to leap from the ship. Focusing on keeping her werk under control as it plummeted through the atmosphere. Katya mostly enjoying the intense heat inside her cockpit as for a moment it reminded her of her own home. The werk landed without incident and Katya was quick to make Caretaker climb out of pod. Katya able to feel the extra weight in her arms and chest and feel it in the way Caretaker climbed out of the pod. Katya doing her best to follow the captain's advice and did her best to remember her high-grav training. Not that she had ever used it outside of the simulations before. Making Katya wonder just how well she’d adjust, but quickly pushed the thoughts aside. As the captain gave the orders to take out the Cruxi heavy weapons, Katya looked at her map trying to work out some sort of game plan. However, for the moment she could not see anything besides engaging the Cruxi line and trust the squad to work together. Confident that they would. [color=Fuchsia]“Your heard the Captain! Everyone work together push forward! Do whatever it takes to kill these Cruxi quickly.”[/color] Katya shouted as she moved her werk forward to join up with Paladin. Having seen the werk on its side when she landed but Arinn seemed to have righted the werk. [color=Fuchsia]“ Hey, Ariin you Paladin alright?”[/color] she asked concern lining her words. [color=Fuchsia]“When you can I need you to target those heavy Cruxi.”[/color] she quickly added without giving him time to respond. Katya moving to take cover expecting the Cruxi beasts to come surging forward. Katya not wanting pit Caretaker against one in hand to hand combat. As they looked like they’d tear Caretaker apart. So she took cover and readied her rifle the moment something came into range she’d open fire or at the very least wait until something moved closer. [h1] [color=Wheat] [center] Valéria [/center] [/color] [/h1] [hr] Waiting for the order to drop filled Valéria with a sense of anticipation. The pilot eager to take fight to the Cruxi. To her it was time to earn a little payback for the loss of her home, arm and the family she had lost when Ageis was taken by the Cruxi. Having not fought the Cruxi since the fall of the station. When the time came Valéria dropped when it was her turn. Redeemer hitting the ground with deafening crash as the heavy werk landed in the middle of a destroyed building. The werk tearing through rubble like it was paper. Valéria taking a deep breath as she began quickly checking the werk systems over. She had not expected to land in building but was pleased she was on the ground and Redeemer’s checks showed the werk in good shape. [color=Wheat][i]“Now let's see what you can do.”[/i][/color] she thought taking her controls firmly commanding the werk forward. Clearing the building, stopping to see. The map showed as Blackstar which Valéria knew was operated by Zim. Had was already engaging with the Cruxi beasts. [color=Wheat]“Brother Hero, you fight well. I’ve got your back. Let's drive these Cruxi back.”[/color] she spoke bringing Remeemders shields online the air around the werk to shimmer. Valéria feeling wary as she brought the werk laser repeater up ready to engage anything that came near the werk. [hider=Movement and attacks] Caretaker moves to E8. Taken cover and ready to engage anything that comes into range. All drones still secure in the werks bay. Redeemer moves to H8 actives shields, readies laser repeater. Shields online: all sections 100% [/hider]