[@Hokum] "[color=00aeef]Gentlemen, I wouldn't d-[/color]" before K12 could finish the soldiers opened fire which caused it to jump as bullets pinged of its metal body creating dents and scratches as K12 turned to run back behind the munitions crate. "[color=00aeef]I tried to warn you, Red I trust you can take care of this?[/color] [sup]Bzzt[/sup] [color=9e0b0f]YES LET ME AT EM! THEY DENTED AND SCRATCHED ME! I JUST GOT FIXED FROM LAST TIME![/color]" K12 said as the calmer voice apparently know as blue was replaced by the angry one know as red. One of the belts of ammo that was hanging over the back of the crate could be seen dragged out of the crate. Clicking sounds could be heard as the violent voice came back again laughing this time "[color=9e0b0f]heheheHeHEAHAH[/color]" the sound of the gun spinning up could be heard as K12 stepped back around the box with the mini-gun picking up speed "[color=9e0b0f]SAY HELLO TO MY FRIEND, 30 MIL GATLING TURRET![/color] [sub]zzzt[/sub] [color=00aeef]fair warning, you have about ten seconds before that fires, so run.[/color]" k12 said as the gun was aimed.