The flapping force of the blood drinkers had suddenly halved, but those that were still present were driven by their hunger to fight, even if it took them to an early grave. The predators were too stupid to realise a prolonged assault would be all too likely to lead to their deaths, and so they continued. The two that had feasted on the blood of the half-orc pulled their proboscises out and took wing once more, their diminutive frames barely avoiding the swinging blades of their prey if only thanks to the present cover of an entire swarm of bats. Truly, these critters were becoming a nuisance. For Torus, they were more than just that. Where two had been dealt with, two more came in to claim their place. One stab again at the side of the hyena was nothing out of ordinary, the pain being but a small jolt in all this, but when the other lifedrinker struck directly to a vein in his animal form's throat things got worse. Thankfully it wasn't a complete disaster, but the hit had shaken the druid enough to have them consider reinforcing their shape at the earliest convenience. And even then, from amid the bats, another Stirge flew forth, aiming for the left arm of the greatsword wielding man of the wilds. A quick threatening move its way was enough to make it consider again, its barely noticeably drooling snout withdrawing as it took to circling around the man instead, biding its time. It would come about again, try its luck once more. But for now it headed back to the cloud, after the two that had just detached themselves from the half-orc. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] At the starts of their turns, stirges #9 and #10 perform their automatic blood drain damage on Orchid, dealing [url=]4[/url] & [url=]4[/url] damage respectively, to a total of [url=]8[/url] ([@Lucius Cypher]). They then take flight, and while this prompts opportunity attacks from both Orchid and nearby Brannor, they both unfortunately miss their strikes. Torus, in turn, is chosen as the favoured target of stirges #1 and #2, both landing their attacks with a [url=]23[/url] and a [url=]critical hit[/url] respectively. These attacks end up dealing [url=]7[/url] and [url=]7[/url] damage to a total of [url=]14[/url] (Hey that's me). Stirge #5 misses its attack against Brannor with a roll of [url=]10[/url]. It is now Orchid's turn [@Lucius Cypher]. [/hider]