[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181003/b8b2065828b9d9728c5309b1e95dee54.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/tJj9TkVy/source.gif[/img] [b][i]BOOK ONE: WATER[/i][/b][hr][@Polaris North][@FantasyChic][@Morose][@Nallore][hr][hr][/center][center][h1][color=10DC67]Hikaru[/color] and [color=9C3E28]Ryuu[/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr] Hikaru glanced at Jia Li, rolling her eyes slightly, [color=10DC67]"Sorry... Not like I can actually put too much weigh on my leg at the moment..."[/color] she mumbled, trying her best to stay standing. Ryuu looked over at her, before he slung the sword over his shoulder and easily picked Hikaru up into his arms. Hikaru rolled her eyes slightly at that, not too thrilled about being carried around like that, it was annoying and made her feel somewhat useless. [color=9C3E28]"We can see about finding a cart or something in a nearby village, unfortunately, we'd have to make it there,"[/color] he said, before turning to look at Rila. [color=9C3E28]"How far do you think you can go with that ankle? Anyone else with bruises, or a broken arm in her case,"[/color] he added, nodding towards Yumiko, [color=9C3E28]"Can easily go about on foot, I can carry the air bender easily. If you need someone to lean on, just let us know..."[/color] [color=10DC67]"Well... If we are going somewhere, anywhere really... I'd recommend we move, now, or fight back..."[/color] Hikaru said, as the guards up on the wall jump down off the wall, using their own bending to prevent themselves from hitting the ground. [color=10DC67]"We really should go..."[/color] There were blasts of fire being sent there way, and it likely was not going to be a good thing if it hit them now. Ryuu managed to twist his body around to defend Hikaru, he felt the heat of the flames as they hit his back, but he was used to pain like that. Nothing could compare to when someone tried to slit his throat, not to mention he was used to any sort of Bender attacks, as he was a non-bender in the army. Jia Li would get a few shots sent at her, however they missed hitting her. Hiroyuki was shot at as well, and the flames slammed into him, burning him slightly, but not enough to do any serious damage.