[center][h1][color=566d7e][u]Dark Upon Dark[/u][/color][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5449f545-126d-431e-b41d-e8b5895360f6.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][hr][hr][indent]The end of days may be upon us. Though we've persevered in the face of the end of days before -- we were [i]lucky[/i]. We had a beacon of hope that we now no longer possess. Commander Guyant Kethlin - the stalwart leader and paragon-cleric of our order is long-gone -- a sacrifice made to keep the dark, seemingly all-powerful entity known as Driraanach at bay. But [i]just[/i] at bay.. and only for a time. Now, that time seems to be coming to an end. Unless we stop the forces of Driraanach's vassals - who, despite his imprisonment, seem to never stop growing - we will be conquered, and he will be freed. And the end of days [i]will[/i] be upon us. But for now, Driraanach is still imprisoned. Great chains cast upon him by Commander Guyant hold him in a deep pit of sanctity, beneath an unknown fortress within the Underdark. But the dark one's subjects possess many abilities, and through deception and espionage, they have unburied the location of their deity's entombment - and they have weakened the bonds that hold him. Though they are not quite strong enough to free their liege outright, it is only a matter of time before he amasses enough strength to free himself, now that his bindings are weakened. It is our duty, as Keepers of Marr, to ensure that Driraanach remains imprisoned, and that his forces be culled as much as possible. Between footsoldiers, scribes, blacksmiths, and all in-between, all are recruited by the Keepers, and all make great influence in this war of attrition - this war to save all wars.[/indent][hr][hr][/indent][indent] [indent] We gonna keep the info area pretty short since I been chatting with you lot behind the scenes, but we're puttin' the jist of it here. Gonna include some important peeps bellow. [hider=Commander Guyant Kethlin] Race: Half-Elf Commander Guyant was the founder of the Keepers of Marr, and the greatest leader the order has known in its several hundred years of standing. He sacrificed his life to cast impossibly powerful bindings upon Driraanach, which sap his power and apportion it to the most power clerics amongst the Keepers - whom divvy it amongst the order further.[/hider] [hider=Commander Leyue Juskar] Race: Yuan-Ti Commander Leyue is the most recent commander of the Keepers of Marr, and stands as a stalwart, if strict, leader to the order's army and military processes.[/hider] [hider=Knight Commander Buro Kuron] Race: Halfling Knight Commander Buro Kuron stands as the right-hand to Commander Leyue, applying and spreading his orders, and aiding him in military matters. He presides over every Captain and Sub-Captain in the order, but still stands second to Commander Leyue.[/hider] [hider=The Great Clerical Circle] The Great Cleric Circle consists of twelve powerful clerics, who remain largely anonymous, for safety reasons. These clerics harness and divvy the power divined from Driraanach's chains amongst the order -- but not a single one of them shines light upon the prowess with which Commander Guyant once operated.[/hider] [center]---[/center] [hider=Captain Huen Highrel] Race: Human Captain Huen sits among many other Captains, but notably to [i]you[/i], conducts your company, amongst others. He is a gruff, reserved commander who displays nothing but duty and appreciation for his position.[/hider] [hider=Sub-Captain Welrock Wynn] Race: Human Sub-Captain Welrock commands your sub-company, which consists of your squad and two others. He presides directly over ______ and acts as a half-way point between your squad and any higher communications. Notably, he possesses a rather bright disposition. [/hider] [/indent][/indent]