[@Searat] Griffin glared at the other man. Detaining the man meant admitting that they hadn't been able to get the information that they needed. He could use his powers. Technically that wasn't against the law but it the man was a supernatural creature, which they pretty much determined that he was, it could be viewed as an attack. Unfortunately him attacking a supernatural creature without cause could get their case thrown out. He didn't think that was likely to happen. They had probable cause. [color=39b54a]"Detain him Astra. He is being uncooperative. We have a potentially dangerous shapeshifter who is stealing human lives. We need to protect everyone from being who endanger others."[/color] Griffin didn't like it he was almost sure that the man was a shifter. He decided that he had had enough. He took out a silver coin out of his pocket. He hadn't wanted to test without cause but the shop owner was hiding something. [color=39b54a]"On second thought. Hang on a minute."[/color] Seeing the coin the own growled. He picked up the cash register and throw it at Astra. Griffin jumped over the counter to reach the other man. The shop owner tried to run but shifters weren't much faster than the humans they had once been so Griffin was able to grab him. He bared his teeth at the man. [color=39b54a]"You are under arrest for assaulting two federal agents and taking the life of a human."[/color]