[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xPZoDGJ.jpg[/img] [h2][color=silver]Ferrin Astra[/color][/h2] [h3]Tenrou Team - Discretion maybe the better part of not dying horribly.[/h3][/center] [right][h3]…but no one gets left behind.[/h3][/right][center] [sub]Direct interaction: [@Zarkun] [/sub] [hider=Everyone Else] [sub][@MarshiestMallow] [@T2wave] [@Hatakekuro] [@LightningMaiden] [@Lunarlord34] [@Burthstone] [@Silver Fox] [@CitrusArms] [@Demon Shinobi] [@Joshua Tamashii] [/sub] [/hider] [/center] Ah hell. Even as Ferrin was turning away, he stopped in his tracks as he heard a terrifying roar, followed by a violent explosion, and accompanied by a rush of a tangle of magic energies. He turned around to a nightmare. The Dragon had broken loose. The Aethermage heaved a deep sigh. [color=silver]"Timmy, you had one job."[/color] He muttered. He then rolled his neck, feeling it pop. He also noticed in the moment his coffee pot was gone, blown who-know-where in the excitement. Another sigh. [color=silver]"Okay. That is it. We are doing this."[/color] He turned to the ghost of his guildmaster and gave her half a shrug. [color=silver]"I tried."[/color] He said apologetically. He strolled over to Hunter, sword down, rolling his mechanical shoulder in a casual, easy manner. [color=silver]"Never have tried to slay a dragon before. Never did see one in my time. But I have killed a dragonslayer or two before. How hard can it be?"[/color] He mused, whimsically. [color=silver]"Heh. Does that make me a dragonslayerslayer?"[/color] Even as he spoke, he was gathering magic. A whole lot of magic. He was bringing to bear the full force of the considerable power he commanded. And strange things around him began to occur. A gentle silver mist began to rise from his form, curling and vanishing quickly. A subtle warping of the air around could be seen, like heat over boiling water. Small flashes of gentle, formless, golden light winked in and out of existence. His face grew sharper, his eyes brighter, the muted colors of his garb stood out more then they should. Everything about him seemed to become more real. When he turned back to face the dragon that threatened them all, his face was set, expression one of grim focus. He went to the quiet place inside him, where motion held no sway over his thoughts, and his focus was absolute. Heart of Steel. He was the absolute calm in the center of a storm. [color=silver]"No one gets left behind, slayer."[/color] He murmured. The words were said softly, yet they carried to everyone's ears. Louder, he said, [color=silver]"New plan. We hit fast. We hit hard. Take this overgrown lizard down."[/color] His metal hand flashed in the sunlight as it extended, palm up, fingers poised. [color=silver]"For destruction,"[/color] He recited. [color=silver]"Ice is also great and will suffice.[/color] [color=0072bc][i]F R O S T NOVA[/i][/color][color=silver]."[/color] [i]Snap[/i], his fingersnap split the air as he harnessed some of the raging storm. There was a swirl of translucent, slivery blue magical energy, around the entire group. An invisible tension filled the air. There was a fraction of a second of stillness. Then all of a sudden, with crackling roar, like ice sheeting off a glacier, a iceberg-size chunk of spiked ice exploded into existence, centered on the dragon. It was easily two or three times the size of the dragon it had replaced, and bristled with jagged edges and sharp points. Sparks of leftover aetheric magic arced between them, as suddenly condensed water vapor fell in a sheet of white mist. The inside of the ice wasn't normal, it was strangely cloudy, and the cloudiness was swirling, moving ominously much like a storm. Occasionally, a flash of light flickered through it. Whatever was inside was surely feeling much more then cold. The backlash of cold air washed over all present in a surprisingly refreshing breeze. Ferrin sagged a little, slightly ruining the dramatic effect. That had been a big spell, bigger even then the Jade Roar earlier, and utterly dwarfing the fireballs tossed by Ashlyn. The energy loss was staggering, but nothing the Aether wizard couldn't walk off. Hopefully. But he wasn't finished. Already, he was in motion, planning, and gathering strength for another spell, knowing the dragon could take a lot more then that, and preparing in the case of a counterattack. Mainly concerned with ice shards that were bound to fly everywhere, or the steam from the soon-to-be sublimated ice. The ice held a secondary trick, it could be detonated for a secondary explosion of aether energy, either remotely by him, as the spellcaster, or by whatever hit it with enough force, including when the dragon manages to break free. He was too cynical to think in terms of 'if'.