[@Searat] [color=a0410d]"Bradley, we can help you, but you need to stay with me. Think about this rationally."[/color] the Djinn explained, keeping his voice as calm as possible, [color=a0410d]"The year is 2018, and that letter is dated for 1976. Your grandson James is all grown up now, but you can still meet him. He might even have kids of his own now, wouldn't you still like to meet them?"[/color] Argus crouched down in front of Bradley, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder, [color=a0410d]"We work for an agency specialized in helping people like you, people with magical abilities. We can track down James and his family and take you to them; but you need to calm down first, and come with us."[/color] The senior agent glanced over at Richard briefly, [color=a0410d]"There are several zombies in this area animated by your magic, and you being stressed out is agitating them. We need you to calm down so they don't hurt anyone, okay?"[/color] he asked, lowering his voice to a whisper, [color=a0410d]"You don't want them to hurt anyone, do you Bradley?"[/color]