Three more in this post below. For the next set of reviews, I'm going to go out of order to quickly address some sheets that had problems. That way those who need to make revisions will have more time to do so. But anyways, before that: [@Antarctic Termite] for Chopstick Eyes [hider] We all thought it was a joke at first, but now I love it. It's fun when somebody doesn't use the template CS and tells about the character in such an entertaining manner. Markets is a cool Portfolio, though it might be weird for the initial turns. Chopsticks is an insane character that lives up to your name, and I like the Spirited Away vibe...even if it feels like that wondrous movie has been horribly twisted. As in for the Sphere, I think it's fine. It's clearly affected by Galbar, and it affects Galbar in turn by allowing things to be purchased and (presumably) brought back to Galbar, and it also is said to find a way to "take in" objects that go missing on Galbar. We had some worries about how you might struggle to find things to do early on, and on what you'd do later on and whether Chopsticks would ever leave the Bazaar. But I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt; perhaps that creepy foreshadowing in the end also implies some planned secret plot behind the Bazaar and Chopsticks. I'm very interested in what will come of that, and in how it might overlap with the Architect's machinations. Excellent work! Intriguing concept and design. Sheet rejected because you didn't read the OP even after I told you to! Now go fix it and post the new one here. [/hider] [@Leotamer] for Parvus [hider] Your newer sheet is looking quite a bit better than the first one that you posted. It's pretty good. The Portfolio is specific, with some obvious abilities that will give you things to do as well as a natural cluster and clear path to pursue getting said cluster. This is all great. The Hive is fleshed out enough for what we need on these sheets; the rest can be explored IC. For now, bugs come and go, and that's enough. There's been some head-scratching about the mystery of the apple tree. I suspect said tree is symbolic of Parvus himself and that's why the insects leave it alone, which was a neat touch to add. On that topic, I like Parvus' unusual form. Concerning persona, you've set Parvus up in such a way that I think you'll have plenty to write about, and his attitude is believable and makes sense. This is helped by your backstory explanation, though I would point out that it might have greater narrative effect if you move Parvus a little bit farther back in his story arc. What if he just now became a god, and was just a tree spirit before? All of that stuff about him feeling disrespected and that finally culminating in him unleashing the locusts would make for a good story IC. It'd have a better punch if that happened at some point during the RP rather than just got vaguely alluded to having happened in the past. Of course, that's just food for thought. Parvus is certainly fine as he is. Obligatory nitpicking: at one point, you spell Parvus As Pavrus. Also, the codeword is spelled incorrectly both times :lol Sheet approved with only the one minor suggestion. [/hider] [@AdorableSaucer] for Shengshi [hider] You've put in a lot of work on the sheet and it shows. The persona is well described and well designed, so it will lend to good RP interaction. The Portfolio is clear, concise, and balanced, and from what you've told me I know that you have at least one plot arc up your sleeve already. Additionally your Sphere features some connections and has an important role. Shengshi's form is also quite fitting and unique, and the abilities that it lends make sense. Sheet approved; no changes necessary, no suggestions that I can think of, and I couldn't even spot any mistakes to nitpick. Exemplary. [/hider]