The noblewoman spoke of her previous foes, [color=c4df9b]"Vampires."[/color] before flitting to another conversation. The damned woman says 'Vampires' like it's nothing and then moves on with no explanation. Kiera resolved to bring this up to 'Aliana' later, but not now. Their destination approached. It was a wretched place that had been ravaged by hate and malice. So terrible was the terror wrought unto this village Kiera fancied she could not spy anything that was not broken, splintered or frayed; people withstanding. Despite this she felt no hesitation or second thoughts. Maybe it was ignorance she reasoned, as she had never been subject to such poverty before, but she would like to believe it was because she knew she was in the right place. Even if there was little evil to slay here she would have her hands full providing aid for the poor in the way of medicine, food and shelter. Her left hand flexed and palmed on her sword hilt as she considered the possibilities of bringing Borealis' light to this hamlet as the cart slowly trundled it's way to a halt. She may or may not stay here after all, but that all depended on future events. Kiera got up as the party began to disembark. She heard harsh whispers being spoken to all who paused on the step, though it was far too quiet for her to hear. She also noted the driver passing something to everyone, though once again she lacked sight of it. Last to leave, she supposed it was her turn. Against her better judgement she gripped onto the lip of the carriage so she could look up at the man better; she could not tell if the creaking came from the cart or it's driver as he leaned over and nor could she tell which was more unsettling. His yellowed and broken teeth creased into a leer, and in that moment she knew in her soul that this man was a follower of darkness; Shee'l Tor. Shee'l Tor was not always a god in service of evil, and this thought alone managed to restrain her from grabbing the frail man by his rags and dragging him down. “You get one question, then you will go.” He said, and every word was spoken with mutual hate and distrust. “Anything you want to know.” A part of her wanted to not bother. Or, even better, to spit in his face. Her pride wouldn't allow her to take advice or truth from one of his ilk, but reason won out. She figured as long as she didn't ask anything to specific she wouldn't rely on it too much and could dismiss it much easier. She settled for a moment, allowing the group to move forward a few paces towards a shrivelled figure from the church. She turned back to the driver and asked [color=gold]"All of them, can they be trusted to end this threat? Is there yet hope?"[/color] She realised that was two questions, but she didn't expect much from his answer anyways. She awaited his response before joining the others, quite interested to see what passed for holy amongst these folk. [@GodOfWar][@Paradoxial][@Nameless][@Eisenhorn][@rivaan][@Vega7]