[center] [h1][color=00aeef]Kuroda Jōichirō ( 黒田 城一郎 )[/color][/h1] [hr] [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/5814/a763a6289fc57d98406abbcb4f1fac1679f8c76d_hq.jpg[/img] [color=00aeef][i]Tsk.[/i][/color] [@Kurisa][@Tsukai][@sassy1085] [/center] [hr] Jōichirō's face remained stern, no matter what face the Uchiha gave him. As if a little stare down would phase him. [color=00aeef][i]"That Uchiha bastard..."[/i][/color] Jōichirō thought as Tsukai beat him to leaping out of the window after their team leader. No matter, he should be able to catch up in no time, having spent a good deal of time on the rooftops running about. [color=00aeef]"Sure, let's catch up to them."[/color] Kuroda said, in a normal tone, devoid of excess excitement or emotion. Jōichirō ran after, and caught up with the group. The mission, true be told, did not pass his mind. Regardless, they're just Genin. What were they going to do? Some simple reconnaissance ? Help someone with some mundane tasks? Tsk. All these questions about what the mission is going to be. What does it matter? They have a task, they have to complete it. Thats all. Difficulty should only be a second thought, perhaps even third or fourth. A devious idea sprouted in his mind. When he caught up with the group, he got close to Tsukai. Perhaps a bit too close for comfort. But that is exactly where he had intended to be. When they would inevitably begin to move, Jōichirō would stick out his feet ever so slightly in front of the eager Tsukai in an effort to trip him. [hr] [hr] [i]Meanwhile, elsewhere, observing[/i] [i] "Aakk-Aakk-Aakk-Aakk-Aakk....."[/i]