[Center][h1]MASTER OF CEREMONIES[/h1][/center] [hr] [hr] [Center][h2][color=4BBB7D]AVENUE[/color][/h2][/center] Avenue, Key is following you around, grimacing. You can tell she's pissed off at you for putting the burden of summoning Hope on her, and you can see she's coming to some kind of decision. She's not letting the stitch boys have a look at her just yet. Just following a few paces behind you as if trying to solve a puzzle on the back of your shirt. Tum Tum is working with the doctors. He's got that weird hand twitch that makes you worried he'll end up killing someone, but whether that matters or not is up to you. And maybe your mood. The uninjured are chopping up the ape meat. You notice that one of the apes is wearing a necklace, crudely formed of wood chips and human teeth. You've never seen an ape wearing jewelry before. [center][h2][color=BCBCBC]SPARROW[/color][/h2][/center] Sparrow, the girls seem distraught. Pixie, one of the youngest girls, sits nearby while you work to prepare the meat. "Milk left this morning... she went to find Alcohol so she could find Hemlock so she could find Twix... I'm worried." She sits on the counter and smooths her burlap skirt. [hider=Pixie] [img]https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2016/11/21/11/centrepoint-homeless-girl.jpg?w968h681[/img] [/hider] "I think... I think you should go looking for her, Sparrow. Make sure she's okay. I don't want Hemlock to hurt her, and things have been really crazy in town today. We just got word that some guy named Pepsi killed one of Al's guards."