[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181220/51c8e7c51864852783e9cce89946fbcf.png[/img][/center] "It really does..." Clare responded sitting down half-distracted as she stared around the area. The decor she remembered remained the same for the most part, but there were some minor changes she noticed. Some hangings on the wall that weren't there before, and the lighting had been dimmed just a tad to make the seating space that much more intimate. That was her perception anyway, although it was quite possible that it was all in her head. Eiher way, she was glad to be back at the restaurant, especially with Ethan. And seeing Jyn's familiar face was a pleasant surprise as well. The girl had the same bubbly personality from before. [I]What in the world?[/I] Clare shifted her attention from the surrounding scenery to the man that was seated a few tables away. Ethan had his back to him, and she looked over his shoulder at the familiar face. The longer she stared, the more the guy looked like Stefan Cortez, a subject in one of her investigations. "Sorry, let me just handle this for a minute...it's work," Clare smiled reassuringly at Ethan before she reached into her purse to fetch her phone. She logged in to the New York Driver Information Database, typing up her username and password to gain access to his driver license photo. After the page loaded, her suspicion was confirmed. Cortez was seating not even 50 feet from her. But she wouldn't move in on him, not in those heels and dress. He also wasn't alone; there was another man there as well she didn't recognize, one who was dressed rather fashionably too. They were definitely talking business, the type of business she'd been investigating for some time now. What straight man would come to Nakazawa's with another man? No one knew their sexual preference, so as far as they were concerned the pair were simply another happy couple. But it was additional reassurance for Clare, as if the photo confirmation wasn't enough on its own. [I]Out of all places...[/I] Clare bit her bottom lip and sent a quick text to Lucy, giving her the details of the situation at hand. She knew Ethan hated how her job got in the way, but she couldn't help it. She wasn't some secretary sending an e-mail with meeting minutes. This was a wanted felon, and he was within dangerously close reach. "No more phone, I promise." Clare put it away once more and reached for the menu, even though she already knew what she wanted to drink, but couldn't make up her mind as to what she wanted to eat. Just then, their waiter stopped by. [I]"Good evening, my name's Carlos and I'll be serving you today. Can I start you both off with something to drink? And perhaps you're ready to order as well."[/I] Clare quickly flipped through the pages, to see whether she would change her mind last minute. "I'll have a gin and tonic for now, thank you. Not sure what else I want just yet," she smiled up at Carlos as he scribbled away on his notepad, waiting to take Ethan's order as well.