[center][color=Crimson][sup]The Demon Lord, Demon King, Black God, The Dark Lord, The Crimson King, The Eternal Shadow, The Edgiest One of The All, The Edge Above All, The Main Character, Big Dangerous, Edgy Boy, Mean Boy, Rawr xD [/sup][/color][/center] [hider=ANZILLU, THE ABHORRENT] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmM4NDFiYi5RVTVhU1V4TVZRLCwuMA,,/our-sacred-rights.bold.png[/img] [hr] [img]http://kingofthehill.wdfiles.com/local--files/abyss/Abyss.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Magenta][sup]The Aborted God, The Cosmic Devourer, The Feral Barbarian, The Parasite, The Unholy Engineer, ABOMINATION, The Abhorrent, DEMON [/sup][/color][/center] [h3]M Y T H[/h3] [color=Magenta][sub]N A M E[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]ANZILLU[/color][/indent] [color=Magenta][sub]G E N D E R[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Genderfluid (It or Male Pronouns)[/color][/indent] [color=Magenta][sub]A L I G N M E N T[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Neutral Evil[/color][/indent] [color=Magenta][sub]V I S A G E[/sub][/color] [indent] [hider=TURN AWAY FROM IT] [img]https://i.imgur.com/9A3qdbP.jpg[/img][/hider][/indent] [h3] H Y M N S[/h3] [color=Magenta][sub]S P H E R E[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]SHEOL[/color] [color=gray][list][*]TYPE: Cthonic [/list][/color] [color=gray][list][*]LOCATION: TBA [/list][/color] [color=gray][list][*]DESCRIPTION: Realm of the DEMON and plane of 'The Abhorrent', Sheol is the manifestation of the bastard god's insatiable hunger, a moon-like structure of chiton-esque flesh and raw energy constantly gnawing on the confines of its realm, devouring Galbar only to be forced back by more stone, an everlasting dance between Ohannakeloi and the DEMON. A construct of the ABOMINATION, Sheol is aglow with the sickly purple energy amassed from is consumption of matter, its light blazing from beneath its surface. Peeling back the layer, one is offered an agonizing glimpse of an entropic unreality, watching as soulless beasts are wrought from the fires of divine magik and incubated until it's hardened into a proto-demon, ready to writhe it's way to the surface and serve its god.[/list][/color][/indent] [color=Magenta][sub]P O R T F O L I O[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray][b]Demons:[/b]Once a slur pit upon ‘The Abhorrent’ during it’s first infestation of this new reality, DEMON now refers to the soulless spawns of the bastard god. Manifestations of their god’s twisted and incomprehensible desires, demons are as entropic as their creator, their true forms anathema to the eyes of creation. Creatures of limited sentience, they yearn to feed upon every corner of reality, constantly shifting and evolving to better suit their environment and or will of ANZILLU. Demons are capable of manifesting basic constructs of energy and are supernatural in terms of physicality. Upon achieving sentience after the consumption of a mortal soul (an addictive source of energy for demon-kind) they are capable of taking on different forms, some become spirits capable of possession and psychic manipulation while others maybe become creatures of guile and subterfuge, seeking to engorge itself on the life essence of a careless mortal. With every soul consumed a demons power grows, granting them a greater intelligence and chance for mutations in abilities. Undoubtedly addicted to 'souls', sentient demons will seek out sustenance by any means, be it by force or by deception, while proto-demons, granted little sentience at birth will hunt its meal down. Mercy among demons is as nonexistent as it is for mortals, who are seen only as apes or cattle. Fellow demons are a means to an end, a meal to be cannibalized for sustenance or out of a display of dominance. Love, empathy and kindness, are all constructs never to be applied to demon-kind. While capable of displaying such emotions upon achieving sentience, it is outside their nature to show or even consider. ANZILLU, god of Demons and spawner of the scourge is the highest authority of all demon-kind, capable of bending those near him his will at a whim, reading their mind's creating all and any manner of demon, and taking their form, for from him was their image wrought. [/color][/indent] [h3] P E R S O N A L I A [/h3] [color=Magenta][sub]P E R S O N A[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Surface-level observation of THE ABHORRENT would lead one to believe that there was little mental processes that could qualify as a 'personality'. At it’s core, it is seemingly being driven by animalistic urge to feed upon reality. All other stimuli are secondary to it. Consumption of all things is instinct, done without thought, far removed from the mental meanderings of any other entity. Yet upon further inspection, one would discover that the bastard god is indeed quite intelligent, choosing to gather all of the emotions that it found useless or degrading and keeping them hidden deep within its flesh, heavily suppressed by an ungodly will. Each major emotion that it shows is almost entirely under its control. It does not become elated unless it permits himself to feel the rush of positivity, nor does it become angry without a purpose to its expression. Not so much immoral as amoral, it stands as an inquisitive, apathetic observer most of the time, assessing entities and situations while throwing out morality and the concept of grey areas as contaminating factors. Once forced to engage a stimuli the likes of a god, ANZILLU is rather, cryptic, and analytical, perceiving the pantheon to be nothing more then cattle, or gods more worthy of his respect as nothing more a means to an end. At best, its integrity can be described as: slipshod, manipulative, and deceitful. Mortals are of little consequence to The Aborted God, serving only as a food source for consumption.[/color][/indent] [color=Magenta][sub]H Y M N[/sub][/color] [indent][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3xQga-2LX4[/youtube][/indent] [color=Magenta][sub]W O R D O F C O D E[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Cyclone 1v1 Me.[/color][/indent] [/hider]