Pit stop for Slime, whose review was postponed earlier while he made some changes. [@Slime] for Abanoc [hider] I'll be honest, there are still some things somewhat worrying about your design here. The Portfolio is indeed specific and good, albeit quite one-dimensional. I think you should consider now what sort of cluster or other Portfolios you want, because it seems easy to stay "stranded" with just Recording. We would also like to reiterate our desire have some more details about the Sphere, and I think it should have more of an effect on Galbar than just being the location of some of the stars that are seen from below. And what even [i][b]are[/b][/i] the stars inside of the Observatory? Actual, gigantic masses of plasma? That'd take up an awful lot of space and loads of MP to create, so they're almost certainly something else. Have you got any natural connections to other Spheres that you could detail? The persona of abanoc would ordinarily lend itself to lurking and not much action going on. This is alleviated somewhat by the caveat that Abanoc wants to protect his job and would prevent either a utopia or a complete extermination event from arising since both of those threaten the continuation of his recordings; however, it'd be nice to have some reason for involvement in less fringe scenarios. In general we worry that Abanoc might show up to witness and record events, but that he won't really [i]do anything[/i]. You've set him up to very passive in that others would have to approach him to initiate storylines or interactions of substance. It's an easy mistake to unintentionally make when going for a detached character, but be [i]very[/i] wary of this because it's a surefire way to stay isolated from all the action and slowly turn into a lurker in the background. We don't want that to happen to you. For those ends, I would suggest some personality tweaks. Give him some more quirks, maybe, or some ambitions beyond just Recording things. Or at least plan to have his personality develop into something more. Your sheet is approved, albeit with some significant suggestions and a fair amount of worry from us. [/hider]