[center][h2][color=f49ac2]The Powerpuff Girls![/color][/h2] [h3][color=ed1c24]Blossom[/color], [color=00aeef]Bubbles[/color], [color=39b54a]Buttercup[/color][/h3] [i][b]School Day - Their New High School[/b][/i] [/center] It certainly was hard to get used to their new high school. At least Professor Utonium had been able to afford sending the girls to a fairly high-end and non-urban school. They had pretty much everything there you could ever need for a complete education: science labs, swimming pools, ball courts, football fields, huge auditorium and gymnasium, professional track and field areas, and even it's own garden. This place was certainly a step up from their rather modest school back in Townsville, everything was bigger, especially the student population. The school was gigantic compared to what they had before and between classes there seemed to be a literal flood of students scrambling around. Thankfully the girls had managed to stay together for the most part so at least they had each other most of the time. Of course high school was quite different from middle school, for one thing each girl had to choose their own electives and of course since they were interested in different things they didn't see each other during those periods. It was strange just being a kid in the crowd, back in Townsville pretty much everyone knew who they were, but here they were just the new kids. Professor Utonium had given them strict orders to try and keep their powers on the down-low. Unfortunately this did mean that a few of the activities were off limits for the Utonium children, such as sports teams. During PE they had to try and seem as normal as possible which was tougher than one might think especially once the adrenaline started to kick in. Since playing to their full ability would just be an unfair advantage to whichever team had them, sports electives were off limits. So far their favorite teacher had to be their science teacher Ms. Keene. Sure she was no Professor Utonium but as a high school teacher, Ms. Keene knew how to explain things in ways that made it easier to understand. At the moment the three girls were in the school lab being taught by Ms. Keene about Acidic levels, and what makes a liquid an acid or a base. The student groups had been given litmus paper to test the various liquids ranging from tap water to soda and more. "Alright class first I want you all to test your various liquids using the litmus paper and write down their pH levels, also labeling each liquid as an acid, base, or neutral. Afterward we'll try some experimenting and see how we can change the pH levels of some of our samples." Lab partners went to work and mostly because the girls had transferred during the school year, they were stuck together. As they went to work the three couldn't help but talk a little. [color=39b54a]"Man, I really wish I could play more sports but I suppose it is true competing without doing my best would be pretty lame anyway."[/color] Buttercup grumbled as she starting passing out the litmus paper. [color=ed1c24]"I know how you feel Buttercup but at least we have a lot of other options! What electives did you guys choose?"[/color] Blossom asked as she started to test the paper while Bubbles got the paper ready to take notes. [color=00aeef]"Well that was easy! As soon as I saw it I instantly signed up for the home economics class! They teach all kinds of useful stuff like cooking and sewing. Once I get the sewing down I can start on my fashion ideas and have all sorts of fun!"[/color] [color=39b54a]"Man I really had to think about that one, didn't want to take anything useless so I signed up for those guitar lessons and also mechanics! Dad's always tinkering around with stuff and figured it could be pretty cool to try for myself too. So how about you Blossom?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Well, after thinking about it I decided to go with the drama classes! Hopefully I'll be able to score a great part and then everyone will know who I am and I'll meet my other half during a romantic scene."[/color] Blossom giggled as she started to imagine just a scenario, such as her playing Juliet and and handsome upperclassman talking to her from below, their eyes telling each other how much they were in love. Buttercup groaned a little while Bubbles just smiled at Blossoms retreat into fantasy land. But Blossom soon came back as they were moving on to the next part of the lab. [color=ed1c24]"I should also look and see if any of the sports teams need a manager, I'll be sure to meet some cute guys that way!"[/color] Buttercup ignored Blossom and looked over at another table, there was a very dolled up red-head who was literally doing nothing in the lab. All she seemed to be doing was giving orders to the other students. Buttercup couldn't help but feel a little ticked that someone was having all the work completely done for them. Before she could say anything though a voice came from beside her. "Oh her, that's Pricilla Morbucks, but everyone just calls her Princess for obvious reasons." Buttercup turned to see a freckled brunette kid, Mitch Michelson who was also in their group. It had been quite the surprise to meet him again as he had actually gone to the same kindergarten and some of elementary school together with the Powerpuffs back in Townsville. It was actually quite a welcome sight to see someone who knew who and what they were. Unfortunately for him the acne really had hit him quite hard. "By the way I think I think you got some of that acid stuff on your shirt." [color=39b54a]"Wait what!?"[/color] Buttercup looked down in alarm, and Mitch Michelson's finger went up and flicked her nose. Mitch laughed as Buttercup rubbed her nose after taking a reflexive step back. [color=39b54a]"I see you're still the little snot you always were Mitch."[/color] "Heh, and if I'm not mistaken you guys aren't allowed to use your powers whenever you want which means I don't have to worry about payback." [color=39b54a]"Also I guess you're still an idiot too since you obviously didn't think that one through."[/color] Buttercup grabbed him by the cheek and pulled. "Ow ow ow ow! Stop it!" [color=39b54a]"I don't need to use my powers to get back at you."[/color] Buttercup smirked and let go while Mitch quickly nursed his now red cheek. "Blast it! I was only teasing you ya know, sheesh!" [color=00aeef]"Now now you two, let's finish this up before your horsing around gets us in trouble. Let's make sure we work together to make this a great year!"[/color] Bubbles interjected while Blossom nodded in agreement. [color=ed1c24]"Yep, we need to make sure we all get good grades so we don't have to drop any of our electives! 100% here we come!"[/color]