[center][h2][color=146A26]AkioBai[/color][/h2][/center] Akio couldn’t help but feel bad. The princess was obviously nervous and frightened. He wondered if he just made it worse, even if he was trying to be as kind and respectful as he could be. He just had tried to make a good impression and get to meet and know the girl who he was engaged to. He felt incredibly unlucky in these moments but he would still try to be kind and collected. Maybe if he could show her that he was gentle and nurturing, she could begin to open up to him a little. He examined the cut on her fingers looking as close as he could for any glass. After not seeing any, he smiled small before delivering the good news to Valentine. He knew the cut wasn’t very deep. She definitely didn’t need stitches but it would still be best to disinfect the cut and wrap it in band aids to prevent infection in the future. She would only need it for a couple days and then the cut would scab over and heal on its own. As the attendant came out, he kept a careful eye on the princess, trying to make sure that she was comfortable and not stressing out too much. As she gave her hand to him, he thanked her before grabbing the first aid kit from the attendant. He pulled out an alcohol pad and looked at her with a smile. [color=afdf69]“This will sting.”[/color] He told her. He decided though that before cleaning the cut that he would tell her something, hopefully to distract her at least a little from the pain. [color=afdf69]“My brother actually wants be a doctor. He has been training for years and he is applying to the medical school in Talulia. Without him I would probably be freaking out in this situation.”[/color] He wipes the cut with the alcohol pad, disinfecting it. He then grabbed some bandaids from the first aid kit and wrapped one around each finger that was cut until it was covered. He heard her small thank you and he looked up at her and smiled. [color=afdf69]“You’re welcome Valentine.”[/color] He told her. He then let go of her hand and began to close the first aid kit. [color=afdf69]“Keep the bandaids on for a day or two, and a bit longer if you think you will pick at it or scratch it.”[/color] He handed the attendant back the first aid kit before standing up and smiling at Valentine. [color=afdf69]“Well I think that is enough excitement for one night. Can I walk you back to your room Princess or do you wish to stay?”[/color]