Janius couldn't help but laugh a Kaleeth's antics. "When did you decide to get so lively all of a sudden?" He turned and took Kaleeth by her sides, falling back into the water near the shore such that his head could still be above water. "Nothing is perfect. You're close enough to perfect for me." [hr] Calia responded somewhat dismissively. "Oh, no, extending one's life need not be by such a shortcut as speaking to evil daedra. They are more likely to destroy your life before giving you immortality. Ahnasha is too smart for that and...well, I know why she would not take that route either way and I believe that is a reason she would need to tell you herself. No, Ahnasha will have performed it from her own hard study and determination." Monderyn whispered back. "I wish I could tell you more, but it sounds like this is more about your parents than mine. I don't know them like you do." With Fendros taking an interest as well, Rhazii was left confused and frowning. "I'm...just going to take my turn then. Shevari, could you tell me when to start?" Fendros numbly passed off the bow and Rhazii took his shots as fast as he could.