[h2]A.L.M.A. Unit "Roxanne"[/h2] Cahreli did not sound calm. Otherwise, there was nothing Roxanne needed to intervene in, and she was willing to wait until everybody was calm and quiet. Until Doctor Osborne possessed Ray's body and began the introductions for her. Very well, then. Even if Jenny was consuming a large metal girder at the moment, it wouldn't keep her from being heard. 'Your mission will take you to the planet of Triad 5,' she began, moving to the front of the hall so that everybody could see her, 'a feral planet with generally low seas and high humidity. The stranded operatives in question include Maia Reater, Azai Cislacen, and Kaselith Goto; to our best knowledge, all are currently in possession of their mechs, but lack a means to exit Triad 5's atmosphere, and are likely beginning to run low on power for their respective mechs. 'No infection risk is known to exist, but nevertheless, this is not a mission to take lightly, as the local monstergirls are often stubborn about allowing others into their territory, and at worst can become highly aggressive. That being said, they are also sapient beings, and therefore non-lethal takedowns will be rewarded, whilst intentional killing without due cause will be strongly punished. I will be present to assist the mission, as will Ray in her mech, Squiddy. 'Once you have all fed yourselves, you will prepare for departure from the hangar at precisely 1200 hours. You will not participate in this mission if you are late. Enjoy your meals.' With that said, Roxanne stepped away from the front of the hall again, and after some thought, decided to seat herself next to Eileen. She didn't often eat with other monstergirls, and Roxanne imagined she would appreciate the company even if she herself did not eat. One might consider that a machine with the capacity to imagine ought to be impossible, and yet, Roxanne could do it, visualising scenarios as they arose. 'Greetings. Is your meal satisfactory?' she asked. There were elements to Eileen's meal that would allow her to generate thrust from her wings, of course, as there would be in a non-humanised Valstrax's standard environment. That thrust may well see little use whilst Eileen was piloting her mech, but it was nonetheless a notable feature of her species.