An observation I've had but haven't brought up is that the RP seems to put more emphasis on primordial gods than conceptual gods, at least with the way the beginning is structured. Because the RP starts with the architect inviting a bunch of divine helpers to build the world, primordial portfolios like water, earth, sky, wind, life, fire, etc. would be valuable. Life, let alone *intelligent* life, has not existed outside of the gods themselves. So human concepts are much more flimsy in comparison. What need does a universe without humans have for a god of war, knowledge, agriculture, etc.? Unless I'm mistaken, the RP assumes the gods all arrive at the same time and start doing whatever they will. In order for life to develop, there has to be certain conditions on Galbar - the establishment of which is the domain of the primordial gods. Until then, there is no need for a god of family or love, because the groundwork is still being laid out. What should be a multi-step process of worldbuilding is made awkward by only one wave of gods, who's portfolios include both the concrete and abstract. Yet the conditions for some gods to start their work will not be met for some time.