[h2][color=6ecff6][center]|Alexis|[/center][/color][/h2] [hr] [i]"Perhaps a stimulation of some serotonin inhibitor proteins?"[/i] "Megh, never helps." Alexis grunted, mumbling out a sentence through a still burning rolled up cigarette in her mouth. "And neither does your voice rattling around in my head." [i]"I must protest the usage of unknown substances brought from some unnaturally twitchy Vorcha in some shady back alley."[/i] "I'd tell you to go eat a virus but that'd just make you worse." [i]"And leave you alone with your morbidly mundane and boring thoughts? I would never inflict such a horror on you. Without my dulcet tones you'd probably cease functioning."[/i] Alexis couldn't help but to roll her eyes, running a cloth over the weapon in her lap. A joke she might have laughed at if she was in a good mood, because it was depressingly true. "I hate you sometimes." To anyone looking, the girl in white armor, was just talking to herself. Probably thought she was crazy. A crazy currently carrying an arsenal, and enough ammunition to probably fight a small army of some sort so most had enough sense to leave her alone. Not to mention the smell of smoking something, and likely a bit high. Honestly, she was completely and utterly suspicious of whatever this was. A job of some sort? Meh, last time she ended up doing some work for some unknown schmucks she ended up working for a remnant Cerberus Cell. Normally Alexis kept herself in a pretty good mood, but today she had woken up on the wrong side of the futon. Migraine, broke her a few dishes because she had problems holding anything with her left hand without Cinnis' help these days. Accidentally blasted a hole in her shop because she got a bit careless. So basically, not a fun day. At least whatever the fuck was in this blunt was helping ease the pain a bit. Argh, she just wanted to bash some fuckers face in. "You sure you couldn't dig up anything on this Saris guy?" Alexis asked the AI jostling around in her head. [i]"Affirmative. Aside from being a particularly round Volus that would make a very good ball of some sort, I could find nothing."[/i] A pause as he seemed to move through some files in his data banks. Hearing mechanical whirs in your head was something most people would be terrified to get used too. [i]"...how did the Volus even become the dominant species on their planet? They're so round, squishy, and fat. They're probably hideous under that suit."[/i] "Hah!" Alexis couldn't help but to laugh a bit, before wincing lightly as a sudden surge of pain throbbed in her head. "Urgh, don't make me laugh. I kind of want them to be the most adorable creatures in existence now, just to spite you." [i]"Well, there is one way to find out you know."[/i] Cinnis replied. [i]"Murder and taking their things is always an option."[/i] "Yea, so is stuffing you into a 20 terabyte drive." [i]"OH DEAR MOTHERBOARD NO IT'D BE SO CRAMPED. Oh I wouldn't have any room to watch blasto reruns on the extranet!"[/i] "Then shut up, and behave." Alexis looked up from her seat on a nearby shipping crate, immediately taking note of two kids in the area She narrowed her eyes at them, but said nothing. Kids? [i]really[/i]? They were either in the wrong place at the wrong time or she was gonna have a stern word with this Saris guy. Mergh, not her problem right now. Grunting and pulling the blunt from her mouth, she tossed it carelessly on the ground before laying the Hydra next to her, reaching for her Talon. Silently letting Cinnis ramble on in her head about different topics, she began checking the weapon. Checking its parts, interiors, magazines, barrel...everything needed to be in working shape. It was sort of therapeutic at this point. Take a machine apart, put it back together. Take it a part, put it back together. Even simple ones helped take her mind off of everything else. Sighing, she slid the magazine back into place before returning the gun to its holster. [i]"Problem, Alexis?"[/i] "I got a bad feeling about this." Alexis grunted. She might have limited combat experience, but she knew when she was being fucked with. Like to think she did anyways. Ever since that problem with Cerberus, and the fact her own dad had basically let all of it happen in the first place she had a difficult time actually taking people at face value. "Twitchier than normal. Day started off bad so its just gonna get worse." [i]"While there is some merit to 'gut feelings' as one calls them, I would suggest using rationale. This Saris has hired us and therefore has no reason to lie or do something underhanded...also I'm almost certain that 'twitchiness' is from whatever you were smoking."[/i] Ignoring the AI, Alexis cast a glance over to the two boys who seemed to be talking about something in a not very discreet manner. Maybe she should say something. Whatever was about to go down here was not a place for kiddos. Grabbing her suits helmet she gave it a look over before she heard Saris over the intercom. His introduction really didn't instill much confidence. Sounded like he was one of those types that talked too much. What came next, made her trust him even less. A small test? Blue suns? Almost two hundred soldiers?! Son of a fucking robot. Alexis merely sighed, her migraine feeling like it was getting worse. "Oh good, a bullet party. My favorite." Alexis sighed, slipping on her helmet and securing it around her neck. Well, this was going about as well as she had expected. Ignoring anyone else for now, Alexis got down from her seat, approaching the kids and a Batarian she had just now noticed. [i]"Portable turrets...check. Combat Drone in optimal condition, as always. Physical stats...nominal. Slightly elevated heart rate and some minor increase in adrenaline. I would advise either fleeing or setting up fortifications."[/i] "Alexis...And I'm kinda in a bad mood right now so we can save the introductions for later." She grunted. "We should probably make some sorta fortifications or we're gonna be pretty fucked."