[b][i]Mass Effect: Seraphim Post[/i][/b] Ashton typed back to the cyber-intruder, [i]Your warning has been noted. Don't worry; we [b]will[/b] use that route if needed. Now either help us deal with these mercs, share how you penetrated my security, or face my prototype firewall program.[/i] Flame, meanwhile, whirls around at Cicero, his eyes wide as he tensed; the crackle of biotic energies can be heard around him. "I remember you; I was a slave of the pirates pursuing your bounty, [i]Ka'Jem Khadorr[/i]. Now tell me why you're here posing as an outlaw -" "Flame!" Ashton broke in, "Don't start a fight when we're going to be fighting in ten - wait, nine minutes now!" Then, while waiting for Flame's answer, the brown-haired boy began pressing his personal computer's keys, typing in random-looking strings of programming code. This seemed incomprehensible, until one of the nearby lifting mechs suddenly activated itself, lumbering to just in front of the assembled group which now included Alexis. Then, the giant machine sat down, reverting to 'sleep mode'. Ashton then said, "I can reactivate the mech to fight any time I want; it's under my full control." Looking at Alexis, he said, "By the way, Exit 04 is open to all of us if we can open a way to it; our multiple biotics - Flame and Ka'jem - ought to be able to clear a path for us if things all go wrong." He then typed to the mysterious cyber-intruder, [i]So, you willing to help?[/i]