[quote=Canoli] As I stated in the OOC* after posting in the IC, it takes time for him to transform, making those mentionings odd to begin with. I can adapt, leave it as is and post accordingly, but any hulking out - as well as reversing - in the future takes time. It's not something done with the bat of an eye (this is a decision I've made merely to limit Dunn's abilities, and make it more "believable"), and it's also against Dunn's nature to blindly charge things he is out of his league - otherwise he wouldn't have become as old as he as.As such, I just want to make it clear that that quick of a transformation is beyond his abilities and that his behaviour is uncharacteristic; he wont behave similarly in the future.* = [/quote] I think it *could* work out, to change some things so that the statues noticed Anslem changing, and targeted him, much less impact to what's already written if it [i]really[/i] needs to be changed. A thought, though? I get why you grouped his transformation into one post, and your initial comment in the OOC helped a bit... But it's still difficult when no one knows exactly how long said transformation should take. Does Anslem just miss the opening salvos? Is he out for almost the entire fight? If other writers want to acknowledge him in the battle (Either to try and fight alongside, or protect while he transforms) that kind of ambiguity makes it difficult for them to judge. Semyon was hoping for a giant, ass-kicking buddy at his side, but he can just as easily drop into VIP-protection mode: He just needs to know when to do which.