[hider=Taria Lucimus] Name: Taria Lucimus Race: Turian Age: 24 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/eec01cfd-e93e-4821-8e95-0d827882d042/dao79ap-f23baf82-1009-4399-8ff2-486d3c3ac2d8.png[/img] Personality: Stubborn, doggedly determined, and utterly incorruptible, Taria Lucimus is the kind of person who doesn't move out of the way; she forces YOU to move instead. Never one to hesitate in the face of peril, Taria trusts her instincts and her sense of justice to guide her decisions, charging into every obstacle with a smile and an unhealthy amount of explosives and leaving the little details to everyone else. If anything can be said about her, its that she always wants to do the right thing, and if that means taking a bullet for a friend or dropping everything to save someone in peril, she'll happily do that ten times over. To others she can be exhausting, but when she's not tossing explosives and people around like juggling pins she's quite personable and charming, always looking to defuse tensions in spite of her desire for action over diplomacy in most situations. In her down time, when she's not doing mental exercises for her biotic implants or helping to maintain something, usually her gear, she likes card games and building models among other things, and when things really get crazy she can out-dance anyone. Backstory: [hider=The PAST] Taria hails from the planet Tremellia, a moderately urbanized and unusually cosmopolitan world for a Turian planet, best known for its shipyards and docks, built to capitalize on the planet's location in several important interstellar trade routes. Her family was moderately well-off, with her father serving as station security at the dockyard and her mother serving as a pilot in the merchant marine. Her home life was happy if a little uneventful, and while she was never the brightest or most popular kid around, she had a good head on her shoulders and a few close friends growing up. Things became interesting for her shortly before her tenth birthday, however, when she began to manifest biotic abilities, most likely gifted by her mother's exposure to Element Zero during a turbulent landing on one of her many trips. While most Turian children would have been whisked away to special academies that honed their abilities, Taria's parents were able to get training for their daughter far closer to home, thanks in part to biotic facilities set up on Tremellia to accommodate other races. While most Turians found biotics to be suspect, Taria was fascinated with her own biotic abilities and took to that training like a fish to water, and by the time she came of age she was an accomplished biotic ready to depart on her civil service tour. Initially slated to be sent to a Turian Cabal, the recent assault on the Citadel by the rogue Spectre Saren caused a manpower shortage, and thanks a bit of influence from her parents and her unique status as a biotic Turian not segregated into a special unit, she was accepted into C-Sec despite her inexperience. Taria quickly proved her mettle despite her lack of training, and she was shuffled into the Special Response Division of C-Sec where her biotics proved very useful, and given further training and experience in dealing with explosives and heavy weaponry. Often given a hard time by other Turians in C-Sec because of her biotics, Taria remained steadfastly devoted to her duty regardless, making friends and serving with distinction even after she lost her father during the Reaper invasion of 2186 when Tremellia was assaulted. As things calmed down and the galaxy tried to return to normal following the Reapers, Taria's rising star suddenly came crashing down to Earth, as the saying goes. Incidents that were glossed over during the ongoing emergency came back to light and investigations began, one of which involved an incident involving the C-Sec officer Boone Croswell that left five innocents dead on the Promenade. Croswell, who liked to use his position to shake down criminals and small-time mercenaries and had a cabal of like-minded officers at his side, attempted to weasel his way out of trouble by pinning the blame on his colleague Venok Irlam, a Salarian in Special Response Division, and decided he would do this by threatening his adjutant who the Salarian had mentored since her transferal to C-Sec, and the one person who could easily convince Investigations that Venok was at fault; Taria Lucimus. Knowing of her dedication, Boone settled on blackmail to earn the biotic Turian's loyalty, planting evidence of corrupt conduct and gathering his own friends and a handful of Turians who didn't like the idea of a biotic Turian on the force to corroborate the evidence, making it clear in no uncertain terms that if she didn't send Venok Irlam to jail, Taria would be going instead. Initially cowed by this threat, it was ultimately not enough to corrupt her, and when called on to present evidence of her CO's culpability Taria instead gave an impassioned statement in favor of the Salarian's conduct and character. Venok Irlam was cleared of all charges, and although Boone would ultimately be dismissed from C-Sec without further penalty after his own investigation was inconclusive, his colleagues carried out his threat and Taria was unceremoniously discharged from Citadel Security and sentenced to fifteen years in prison. Despite being humiliated and degraded throughout the whole ordeal, she held her head high in the belief that she had done the right thing, and went to serve her sentence with dignity. Even jail did not break her determination, instead refining instilling in her a desire to seek justice where the law failed, not unlike another Turian C-Sec officer who left when the law stymied his own pursuit of what was right. Planning her life after prison, Taria bided her time, visited only by her mother who never believed she was guilty of the crime she was imprisoned for, and by Venok Irlam, the commanding officer who she had saved from injustice. A third of the way into her sentence, she was visited again by Venok Irlam, this time accompanied by a small squadron, revealing that her prison sentence had been commuted. Whisking a confused Taria away from the prison, Venok dismissed the guards and revealed a stash of weapons, equipment, and cash for her to use, explaining that he had been contacted by a Volus from Omega, who had been looking for recruits for a special mission in the terminus system. Already close to retirement, Venok felt like he was too past his prime for such a group and instead suggested Taria for the job, and the Volus had been more then happy to grease a few palms to get the biotic Turian out early. When she hesitated, Venok explained to her that the offer had only been optional, but said that someone like her was too good for C-Sec, a career she happily sacrificed to keep an innocent Salarian from injustice, and in return that Salarian wanted to offer her a chance to bring justice to those that the law had failed. Taria found that offer just too good to resist. [/hider] Specialty: Vanguard/Heavy Weapons Powers/Skills: Biotic Abilities: Throw, Backlash, Slam, Charge Taria possesses the skills of a highly trained C-Sec officer, including weapons training, CQC, and breach tactics, as well as additional experience with deploying and disarming explosive ordinance. Equipment: Medium Armor (Black and Gold Design) M-55 Argus Assault Rifle (Painted Black) M-77 Paladin (Painted Black) M-95 Grenade Launcher (A modified variant of the M-100. It lacks rapid fire, requiring a pump action to load an additional round, but it is more compact and lightweight, and can be loaded with different types of projectiles of lethal and non-lethal variety.) Thermionic Charge (Great for punching holes through stubborn barriers and walls. Can be fired from the M-95) Biotic Amplifier (Also great for punching holes through things, in a more literal sense) Misc: Voiced by AJ Michalka [/hider]